The following are examples of .git
university projects, most being private. Offering as much as
30 ECTS, they cover a diverse range of IT disciplines, many involving extensive collaboration.
These include all undergraduate computer science (COSC), software engineering (SENG), embedded and computer systems (ENCE),
and GIS (part of GEOG) credits given at the University of Canterbury or in advanced equivalence from studies
abroad during double degree studies, with many more at postgraduate-level in software engineering, computer & other advanced
data engineering and sciences from the University of Auckland, Uppsala University and other formal international exchanges:
- Distributed real-time system for global semi-autonomous asynchronous robotic depot storage
- Wide-area wireless embedded networking system for low-power autonomous wildlife surveillance
- Configurable software design & cross-platform prototyping of multiple use-case match algorithm
- BDD/TDD vehicle registration app, requirements engineered seamless E-commerce art gallery web app, etc & QA
- Microcellular image analysis & ResNet & U-Net classifying diagnosis & treatment, & XAI
- Low-level parallelisation of graphically heat-mapped, collision-free pedestrian crowd simulation
- Distributed parallelisation of a malaria endemic stochastic simulation algorithm using Monte Carlo
- Bayesian probabilistic ML modelling of sport match data for predicting ranking using MS Trueskill
- Deep reinforcement learning for dynamic job shop scheduling optimisation with Stable Baselines 3
- UX-driven real-time interactive multi-sensory empathetic humanoid AI-agent using CNN & LLM
- Interrupt-driven, real-time remote helicopter state, orientation & operation controller using PWM
- Simulating XYZ TCP/UDP socket communication, LP flow optimization & dynamic RIP networking
- Monopoly, kalah, embedded interactive memory, AI quarto, RL Snake & Pong, React board, FP soduko, etc games
- Parking, rego, supply chain, auction, bar, itinerary route planner, forum, etc. (G)UI apps of varying FW
- 3D-animated scenery & interactive gameplay with ray tracing, particle system & real-World physics
- cross-platform application prototype for streamlining offshore-focused maritime mooring planning
- and much more, to be listed soon, not to mention other projects completed without using
For now here are daily generated visualizations of my personal GitHub user* & repository statistics:
* My 'Avg contributions' rate applies only to university project repos completed with at least 1 other