Russian Universal Dependencies Treebank annotated and converted by Google.
- 2019-11-15 v2.5
- Google gave permission to drop the "NC" restriction from the license. This applies to the UD annotations (not the underlying content, of which Google claims no ownership or copyright).
2019-02-06 v.2.3+
- Major revision, manual reannotation of the fields LEMMA, UPOS, FEAT, HEAD, DEPREL
- chains of foreign words now depend on the first word
- splitted words retokenized
2016-11-15 v1.4
- Added lemmas.
- Various changes to make UD_Russian more similar to UD_Russian-SynTagRus.
=== Machine-readable metadata ================================================= Data available since: UD v1.3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: wiki Lemmas: manual native UPOS: manual native XPOS: manual native Features: manual native Relations: manual native Contributors: McDonald, Ryan; Nikolaev, Vitaly; Lyashevskaya, Olga Contributing: here Contact: [email protected] ===============================================================================