A card trading and collecting game that uses Edgedb and Astro.
- Deployed on vercel
- Login with GitHub, Discord or Email
- Open Source
- Svelte 5
- Pusher for trading
- R2 for image storage
- sessions
- cards
- basically everything except images
We use edgedb to save session user info and memes/cards, The memes are borrowed from know your meme and we saved them in a sqlite database we then run seed.ts
with bun to upload the memes to edgedb to use for relations and queries.
- Trade some cards with someone (you need a friend for this)
- Buy and sell some cards, maybe the same one to see the graph working
- Try changing your theme and name in settings
- Search for a card you put for sale
- Linking other accounts in settings
- Changing your profile picture to a dope meme you got
- Posting a link of your card in Discord or another site with embeds
- Bio
- Show discord toggle
Create a quick GitHub application:
set the callback url to:
Or the url of your forwarded codespace port
# itll start without these for now.
# Optional - For trading ui
if you are not on localhost like GitHub codespaces you will need to add this option:
AUTH_URL=https://SOME_GIBBERISH-4321.app.github.dev/ # Leading slash is important
and run
wget "https://github.com/Tricked-dev/kymdb/raw/master/memes.db?raw" -O memes.db
edgedb project init
bunx @edgedb/generate interfaces --file dbschema/schema.ts
bunx @edgedb/generate edgeql-js --target ts
bun seed.ts
edgedb instance start -I codereview # or your instance name / only once per session, takes a while
bun run --bun dev
Go to /login
to log in with GitHub and done!
All icons come from here copy the svelte svg and place it in the icons folder then add a export :)
- Add account deletion process with memes being put on auction on delete
- a11y - would be cool if everyone could play this game
- Card favoriting
- showcase
- click on like a meme name or something and see existing rolled cards to view them and stuff
- a no nsfw option maybe? or something cause nsfw memes do exist and are marked
- a better user info ui /user/id
- Trading socket changes - detect multiple people or something - dont allow 3 people etc
- A user rating / weight (total cards + average card level + money + cards sold maybe)
- giving a thumbsup to people
- Card view counter (maybe per logged in user once or something or another way to avoid spam!)
- Fix X overallping in trade menu
- Money up and down animation
- Redesign the card (fix card roll, long card name, maybe do something about the height too)
- Fix border color in card info
- 1/2: Add tooltips on hover for CardInfo
- Responsive navbar
- Maybe do something about y overflow on CardInfo (not 100% sure yet)
- Add card view status (chill, hot, on fire) (APi done just ui now)