This repository contains a very simple flask application written in Python. Your goal is to improve this application to be able to run in kubernetes.
Please do not fork the repo or create pull requests: That would give away the solution to future candidates. Please create a new repo and copy the content in your new repo workdir.
- New files and modifications to the application to be able to run in Minikube (Linux) or Docker desktop for Mac (macOS)
- Instructions on how to run the application
- BONUS: configure GitLab CI
- Don't spend more than 2 hours on this assignment.
- Think about logging and monitoring. Suggest and implement improvement.
- Security is one of our priorities: What should be improved or changed? If you can, implement the changes.
- You should explain, why you made a specific technical decision.
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> python -m app
Once it's running you can test the endpoints with
> curl http://localhost:5000/sergei
> curl http://localhost:5000/raditya