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Releases: TheaMorin/schedule-generator

Version 1.3

20 May 03:45
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Changes since v1.2

With many classes now being online-only, many courses only have DGDs (no lectures). This release fixes server logic that previously failed to generate schedules for such courses (#50).

Version 1.2

09 May 11:27
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Changes since v1.1.1

Fixes font smoothing on macOS and should improve text appearance on other platforms (enables anti-aliasing for rendered text).

Version 1.1.1

16 Sep 14:16
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Changes Since v1.1.0

The major change is that the default server is now The new port allows the server to be accessed from within the uOttawa network.

The schedules database is also automatically updated on the server every few days, so the schedules will always be up-to-date (the schedule files are accessible online as well).

Version 1.1.0

30 May 03:48
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After a little while of stability, I'm finally ready to round up all the changes that have occurred recently to call this release 1.1.0

The server has been relatively stable, with the odd crash only occurring when the Internet connection drops. The server should automatically restart now, too.

Changes Since v1.0.0

  • Editable Sections
  • Limit of 1000 on section return size, prevents long waiting times
  • Multi-threaded Server Functionality
  • Progress bar added to give visual feedback of sending
  • Link to course sequences provided
  • Super-improved Server Console output and "this run" statistics
  • Automatic restart provided as a second argument for ServerConsole. Defaults to "true"
  • Lots of little bug fixes. The commits should hold all those if you are really curious!

Anyways, thanks for downloading, have a happy school year.

v1.0.2 - Better Server Statistics, GUI Status Bar!

16 May 22:10
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While using the server on my machine, I'd noticed the stats were messy, inaccurate, and useless.

This release addresses that issue. Now the server logs are timestamped, and you have statistics printed for each run, as well as globally. Also fixed is when a client disconnects, it no longer returns null.

For the GUI, I've added a progress bar and a link to the course sequences. The course sequences link will help people who do not know what courses to input. The progress bar is functionally useless. It simply serves as a method to convey to the user that their query is being processed, and is not an actual representation of the progress of the generation.



  • Activities shorter than 1.5 hours no longer have text overflow onto the calendar


  • Status bar added to GUI. It has a progress bar for generations and a link to uOttawa's course sequences.
  • Vastly improved console output for the ServerConsole.
  • In addition to already implemented global statistics, there are now also run statistics that never get written to disk.

Hope you enjoy this release,

Limits! - Version 1.0.1

12 May 22:49
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So after a couple days in release, we've had a good 60 or so users connect to the application.

A lot of these users were first year, though, and their courses generate many permutations. A 5-course semester can easily have half a million schedules! This slows down the server for everyone.

In attempt to address these issues, this update changes the behavior of the server in two ways:

  1. The generation task is now its own object and can be run in multiple threads. This should theoretically prevent big schedule generations from holding up everything.
  2. There is a limit on the number of return results of 1000. Anything more will be excluded. This turns a 10+ second transfer into about 500ms. And really, the user probably will be choosing a sort order and eliminating sections as he goes, thus making the other 499,000 courses not too useful.

The GUI has also been updated to display a message when it receives a course list of size 1000, with a message that the user should narrow down his search criteria. The calendar will display: Displaying Schedule x / 1000+

Enjoy the added stability and speed, everyone! Note that the Server still works just fine with GUI v1.0.0, there is just no indication that more than 1000 schedules were generated.

Note: ClientConsole.jar has not been updated, please refer to version 1.0.0


Version 1

09 May 20:39
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Release v1.0.0


To start generating schedules, get uOttawa-Schedule-Generator.jar

This is it

We're doing an official release. Finally, after a few months of toying around, course registration is right around the corner. The application should now be stable enough to handle the expected adoption (not very high).

In preparation for this release, I've stopped hosting the executables in the Git project. Instead, they will be released here.


I'm going to have to start supporting people when bugs arise. I can't promise that I'll be the fastest in replying, but I'll do my best.

In any case, I'm going to release this now. I won't list the features, as they're already outlined in the main README. I also won't mention bugfixes until more releases are presented.

The newest feature added is an edit menu with a now-restricted size. Someone pointed out that if a course had many sections, it could flow off screen.


On the plate for the next release includes a global version variable with methods to access it, instead of just naming the binaries! I also would love to make the dialogs stay above the main window to avoid user confusion there.