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🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working – in spec or code
🧹 chore
🧹 chore
💻 code
💻 code
Pertains to the infrastructure code
💬 discuss
💬 discuss
Issue to be discussed at Contributors meeting
📙 docs
📙 docs
Elaborating or updating the documentation – inline or otherwise
👬🏽 duplicate
👬🏽 duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🚀 feature
🚀 feature
Adds a new feature - to spec or code
🏛️ governance
🏛️ governance
Pertains to the governance of the spec
✋ help wanted
✋ help wanted
We would love your help with this
‼️ invalid
‼️ invalid
Not ready for being triaged - needs attention by issue submitter
📝 non-normative
📝 non-normative
Non-normative changes can be approved by other contributors
🔄 normative change
🔄 normative change
A normative change requires approval of TIDES Board
❓ question
❓ question
A question about the spec, code, etc.
For issues such as adding or removing tables, making significant chages to a table, etc.
📄 spec
📄 spec
Pertains to the specification itself
❌ wontfix
❌ wontfix
This will not be worked on