VCS - Version Control System RCS - Revision Control System CVCS - Centralized Version Control System DVCS - Distributed Version Control System (Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, Darcs)
Mechanism Gits use - SHA-1 hash
The Three States Modified Staged Committed - safely stored in local database
Tracked/Untracked, staging, commit Track: git status /git status -s(short) git add Staging (一定是已经tracked文件) git commit 无commit = not staged ignoring files git diff --staged/
Git log查看历史修改记录 doesn't show all the branches all the time
undo a. commit - git commit --amend b. unstaging a Staged file - git reset HEAD 注: 2.23.0变成了restore c. revert - git checkout --
remote 查看所有remote内容 - git remote show a. fetch and pull fetch只是把其他branch拉下来不做merge pull自动fetch并且merge到current branch = fetch + merge b. push - git push
Tagging标记(eg mark release version) Tag要单独push - git push origin
Branching - diverge from the main line of development and continue work without messing with that main line
他只记录commit和文件标签,然后通过一个head来指向当前branch内容(master 也是个branch)
- 创建branch - git branch 创建branch并切换 - git checkout -b
- 切换branch - git checkout 注: 2.23开始变成了switch git switch test-branch git switch -c new-branch (c = create) git switch - (return)
- 删除branch - git branch -d 强行删除 - git branch -D
- 查看branch - git branch - git branch -v
- 查看是否merge - git branch --merged/--no-merged
- 更换branch名 - git branch --move git push --set-upstream origin git push origin --delete
- rebase没搞懂…
git rebase --interactive 'xxxx&^' # pick, edit, reword… git rebase (--continue/--abort) #注意 一定要force push git push --force
如何控制多分支情况 Second developer must merge in the first one's work before pushing changes up. 5.1 给出不同解决方案,典型: push master的工作永远是一个人做的,其他分支branch的人不能擅自push/merge 5.2 git -add patch 活用fork, 可以fork自己的代码给别人
stash = 不上传的commit git stash git stash apply git stash branch git clean - 删掉所有untracked 文件
git config设置 目前用法: 设置commit格式 查看git global config - git config --list --show-origin 设置commit default editor
visual studio code
git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
sublime text
git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/subl.exe' -w"
设置commit template ~/.gitmessage.txt中添加想要提醒自己commit的时候要写的内容
# Hint for commit
# 1. <title> 与 <description> 当中要空一行 Separate subject from body with a blank line
# 2. <title> 不超过 50 字,最多别超过 70 Limit the subject line to 50 characters
# 3. <title> 首词 首字 大写 Capitalize the subject line
# 4. 不要用句号结尾 Do not end the subject line with a period
# 5. 命令式语气 Use the imperative mood in the subject line
# 6. <description> 不超过 72 字 Wrap the body at 72 characters
# 7. Use the body to explain what and why vs. how