List of local Cleveland tech companies and resources, mostly in alphabetical order.
- Cleveland Companies
- Coding Bootcamps
- Groups
- Events
- Job Search Sites
- Recruiters
- Business Development
- Freelance
- Remote Working
- Other Links
- 1 EDI Source
- 216digital
- 216 Software
- 33 Mile Radius
- 42connect
- 7signal
- Accellis
- Acroment
- Acumen Solutions
- Aero Fluid Products
- Affinity
- Agility Business Solutions
- Allied Health Media
- alltech
- Alpha Net Consulting - with jobs like Firmware/Embedded Engineer on Dice
- American Greetings
- AmTrust
- Applied Industrial Technologies
- Apteryx
- Arhaus
- Aronetics
- Arras Keathley
- Associated Software Consultants - makers of Power Lender
- Assurant Labs
- Asurint - their job applications page
- Athersys
- Avantia
- AvatarFleet
- AVI Foodsystems
- Avvenire Solutions
- B3 Innovations
- Banyan Tech
- Barkeep4U
- because I said I would
- Beegit
- Bennett Adelson - their Taleo Job Search
- Big River
- Binary Defense Systems
- Biolectrics
- Blackbird Digital
- BlueBridge Networks
- Blue Chip Consulting
- BlueFrog
- Bomzy Apps
- Bosch
- Boundary Systems
- boxcast
- Brandmuscle
- Brand New Ship
- BrightEdge - can find job posts here
- briteskies
- BudgetDumpster
- Buyerquest
- Capricorn Systems - jobs like Embedded C/C++ Programmers on Dice
- Cardinal Commerce, job posting on Stack Overflow
- Centerline Biomedical
- Class6ix
- Cleveland Clinic
- Cleveland HeartLab
- ClickShake games
- Cloud CMS
- CodeRed
- Coffee and Code
- Complion
- COMS Interactive
- Cost Sharing Solutions
- covermymeds
- CSS security
- CT Logistics
- Custom Orthopaedics
- Cynergies
- Dakota Soft
- Data-Basics
- DATAForge
- DataServ
- Datatrak
- Dealer Tire
- Deck of Dice
- DesignFlux Technologies
- DHS Move - formerly Movable
- DialogTech
- DigitC
- DMA Tech Solutions
- Dolbey Systems
- Dollop
- DragonID
- DriveIT
- Dwellworks
- e2b teknologies
- Eaton
- Echogen
- eFuneral
- Elite Business Solutions
- Emanate Wireless
- Embrace Pet Insurance
- Embedded Planet
- Emerald Resource Group
- EmployStream
- EnergyEne
- Equity Engineering Group
- ERT positions at their Cleveland office
- Essex Digital Platform
- Ethode
- Event38
- Everkey
- Everstream
- Excellware
- Expand Interactive
- Expedient
- ExpenseBot
- Explorys
- ExportNow
- Falls Digital
- Fast Switch
- Findaway - Findaway World redirects here now, their Jobs page
- FeneTech
- FIT Technologies
- Fleetmatics
- FormFire
- Foundation Software
- FreshGames
- Functional Jobs
- Futuri Media
- GamesInCle
- GE Lighting
- GenomeOncology
- Gestalt IT
- GPI Enterprises
- GroundBooth
- Groupmatics
- Growbots
- H5 Data Centers
- Hallsten Innovations
- Handelabra Games
- Hatch
- hc1
- Hema Imaging
- Henning Software
- Heureka
- Hotcards
- Human Arc - aquired by Centauri Health Solutions
- Hurricane Labs
- Hyland, creator of OnBase
- HyperProductive
- Hyr Medical
- imageNation
- Imagine Careers
- Inforce Technologies
- Innis Maggiore
- insivia
- InterDesign, job posts on Indeed or ultipro
- inTouch
- intwine
- ITBMS - jobs like Embedded Firmware Developer on Dice.
- JAC Creative
- J-Lynn entertainment
- Juggle
- Kalibrate
- Keithley Instruments
- Kinetiq Digital
- Knowta
- Knowvent - their API, another site of theirs
- Koalah
- Konica Minolta
- LayerZero
- Lazorpoint
- LeadLift
- Leap Amabassadors Community
- Level Seven
- LightSpeed Hosting
- Lincoln Electric
- LineStream
- Little Jacket - design agency looking to get developers
- Lockheed Martin
- Logic Junction
- LogiSync
- Longsight
- Lufthouse
- LunchOwl
- MacroPoint
- MakerGear
- Main Sequence Technology - maker of PCRecruiter
- Mango
- Mastech Digital - jobs page with posts like Big Data Developer on Dice
- MCPc
- MedaSync
- MedCityNews
- Medical Mutual
- MedPilot
- Metisentry
- Mezu
- MIM Software
- Mindful
- Mobile Defense
- MobyMax
- Modis - jobs like c embedded rtos on Dice
- Mod Meals
- Monarch Teaching Technology
- Moreland Connect
- MRI Software
- MTD - they're getting into robotic mowers
- mv|designlabs
- My1HR
- n2y
- Nanotronics Imgaging
- National Interstate
- Network Technologies Inc - they also do VPI
- New Innovations
- New York Community Bank
- NEXT Internet
- NK Web Development
- Nordson - USA jobs, stack overflow
- Notice Software
- Nottingham Spirk
- Oatey
- OEC Connection
- Omnitek
- OMNOVA Solutions
- OnBase by Hyland Software
- One Call Now
- OneCommunity
- OneSky
- Onix
- OnShift
- Onvoy
- Osmisys
- OverDrive
- Palnar - with jobs like Firmware Engineer on Dice
- Paragon
- Parker Hannifin
- Park Place Technologies - recently bought Axentel
- PCC Airfoils
- PCRecruiter - by Main Sequence Technology
- PC Parts Unlimited
- PDP Tax Service
- Pervasive Path
- Phenom - possibly no longer active, that site is an empty Heroku app and their Facebook page hasn't been active for almost a year
- Philips Medical
- pixsi
- Pleasant Valley Corporation - their careers page
- Pointe Blank Solutions
- PreEmptive Solutions
- Prentke Romich Company (PRC)
- Progressive
- Prototype1
- Pulse
- Quadax - their site here
- quo
- Randstad
- Realeflow
- Revature
- recess creative
-, redirects to
- Renovo
- Revenue Conduit
- Robots and Pencils
- Rockwell Automation
- Root Integration
- Roundtable
- RVshare, job posts on AngelList
- Sapience - with jobs like Embedded Developer on Dice
- SapientRazorfish_, formerly Rosetta. Rosetta was acquired by two companies(Sapient and Razorfish) who merged into one.
- Secure State
- Segmint
- sellhack
- Sherwin-Williams
- Simbionix
- Simple A
- Skookum Arts
- SME Cleveland
- Snap-on
- Sociogram
- Softosource
- SpaceBound
- Specialized Business Software
- SplashLink
- SproutsIO
- SPR Theraputics
- Squirrels
- Stack Overflow Cleveland company search
- STEMpowerkids
- StreamLink
- Summit Data Communications
- Swagelok
- SyncShow
- Synopsys - their stackoverflow page has Cleveland jobs
- Tackk
- tallyo
- TEKsystems - jobs like Desktop Support Technician on Dice
- Tharo Systems
- The Refinery
- Think-a-move
- Think-Digital
- thunder::tech
- Timocco
- Tiny Circuits
- TOA Tech - aquired by Oracle
- Transportation Management Software
- Tribute Inc.
- Trilogy Education Services - coding boot camps, including Case
- TrustedSec
- Turning Technologies - international site
- Twist Creative
- TWPI-Inc
- UGottaEat
- United Computer Group
- UrbanCode
- Vantage Partners
- Veritix - bought by AXS
- Veroot
- Vertex
- Vertical Knowledge
- Viewray
- VIPerks
- Virteom
- Virtual Compass
- Virtual Hold Technologies
- Vitamix
- Vlipsy
- Voss Industries
- Votem
- Vox Mobile
- VTI instruments
- Wastebits
- Webcollage
- Wheedle
- WhiteSpace
- Widdle
- Wireless Environment
- Wishlu
- - redirects here, job here, and here
- Within3
- WTWH Media
- Yardi
- Zin Technologies
- Zircoa - their Stack Overflow page
- WeCanCodeIT
- Cleveland Codes - tri-c site
- Tech Elevator
- Case Western Reserve University Bootcamp
- Learning Studios - DigitalC's data science bootcamp
- CVCC Coding Bootcamp powered by Collective Education - old link, Facebook, Twitter is a good place to look for local tech groups.
- Open data on Cleveland groups and resources
- Open Cleveland
- they do projects like Cleveland Lots
- Hack Cleveland
- openNEO
- Cleveland data sets
- Civic Insights Hub by Digital C
- Open Geo Cleveland - seems defunct, points to Open Cleveland's meetup
- Open Cleveland
- Akron Front End Deveopment
- synHAK - now Akron Makerspace?
- Akron Women in Tech
- CLE Teen Hacks - their old site seems to go elsewhere
- Cleveland Big Data & Hadoop User Group
- Cleveland Cocoaheads (iOS & Mac development)
- Cleveland Drupal User Group
- Cleveland Game Developers
- Cleveland Javascript Group
- Cleveland local-chapter of the Interaction Design Association
- Cleveland Python/Julia/R Data Science Group
- Cleveland R Users Group
- Cleveland Ruby Brigade
- Cleveland Tech Slack - register to get your invite here
- CodeAkron, their Facebook
- Digital Free Initiative
- Elixir |> CLE
- Findlay Radio Club
- GiveSec
- Hamfest Association of Cleveland
- Makers Alliance
- Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum
- Soulcraft woodshop, also see Soulcraft CLE
- Women Who Code Cleveland
- Cleveland Locksport
- Tech4Good Cleveland
- UXPA Cleveland
- Flux Makerspace
- Studio How-To
- Height Code Hop
- PyOhio
- The Industry Digital Summit, put on by Product Collective
- TechPint
- Rockathon
- IngenuityFest
- NorTech UnConference
- Engines of Ingenuity Summit
- B-Sides
- Night Makers Ball
- Ohio LinuxFest
- Weapons of Mass Creation
- Cleveland Tech Events, their Twitter
- Tech Week
- Cleveland Give Camp
- NEXT Ohio
- Entrovation
- Classic console and arcade game show
- Retro Exchange Cleveland
- Stir Trek
- Tribe hackathon
- Cleveland Medical Hackathon
- Dayton Hamvention
- Cleveland Pinball and Arcade Show
- Information Security Summit, their Twitter
- BizConCle
- Lincoln MINES - Minecraft event for kids and parents on learning science and tech.
- OHI/O - OSU hackathon
- Tech Field Day
- Startup Scaleup
- CoolTech Challenge
- CodeMash
- Medical Innovation Competition
- Data Days CLE - open data/civic tech event by the various open data groups
- Cleveland Hamfest and Computer Show by Hamfest Association of Cleveland
- Rustbelt Refresh
- Erie Hack
- Cleveland SpaceApps
- GiveBackHack
- PyCon in Cleveland 2018 and 2019
- HAkron
- CLE Housing Hackathon
- Tandy Assembly
- Tech Corps Northeast Ohio programs
- Tecmo Cleveland
- The Side Quest - local nerd bar, not exactly tech but lots of interesting events
- Observatory Park - a Dark Sky park
- Flight by Launch League
- TechInvest
- GDEX - "The Midwest's Premier Gaming Expo"
- N.E. Geek Expo
- Cleveland Metroparks Hackathon - redirects to here
- Cleveland Career Board
- GeekWork
- Stack Overflow Cleveland job search
- Stack Overflow remote job search
- Career Overflow but that seems to be different now
- Indeed - IT Hare made a programmer or developer filter for Indeed
- Cleveland Career Site
- Ohio unemployment
- Employment connection
- Maximum Jobs
- OnShore Momentum
- inlaw
- Dice
- HireArt
- the muse
- Experis
- mighty spring
- ladder
- We Work Remotely
- RecruitCoders
- Technical Search Consultants
- Remote Coder
- Old Geek Jobs
- remote ok
- Remote Working
- Hacker News: Who is hiring? - beginning of each month they have Who's Hiring/Who's Looking to be Hired posts
- USAJOBS - government job search site, including Cleveland NASA jobs
- untapt
- JobSpade
- Randstad Technologies Jobs in Cleveland - their Twitter
- AngelList Cleveland Startup Jobs
- FirstDevJob
- Free and Open Source Jobs
- JumpStart Jobs
- Apex Systems
- CyberCoders
- Robert Half
- Genesis10 - positions on Dice
- NorTech
- think[box]
- LaunchHouse
- Early Stage Partners
- JumpStart
- Great Lakes Venture Fair
- BizDom
- FlashStarts
- LeanDog
- Cleveland Leadership
- BioMotiv
- The Bit Factory
- Akron Accelerator
- Prototech
- StartMart
- Technology for Ohio's Tomorrow
- Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor
- OHTec, their Twitter
- BioEnterprise
- RITE - Regional Information Technology Engagement
- Conexus
- startup CLE
- Launch League
- VentureOhio
- TechOhio
- Ohio Third Frontier
- The Medical Capital
- Startup Lakewood
- Greater Cleveland Partnership
- TechGROWTH Ohio
- Health IT in the CLE
- Benesch 3D Printing Group - law firm interested in 3D printing and intellectual property surrounding it
- Global Center for Health Innovation
- COSE - Council of Smaller Enterprises
- Cleveland Foundation
- The Dealership
- Ohio Federal Research Network
- BOUNCE innovation hub coming to Akron's B.F. Goodrich building - their Twitter
- Start in CLE
- Cleveland Co-Labs - old site
- Global Shapers Cleveland - Cleveland hub
- Companies that hire remote - usually with Cleveland people working there
- Cowork spaces
- Resources
- Nomadlist
- Workfrom
- Remote Stash "A hand-picked directory of the best free resources for remote workers and nomads."
- Google interview process
- faxing - because unfortunately some people still do this, uses Phaxio
- GeekCLE
- How to make Pittsburgh a Startup HuB - sounds like Cleveland
- 345 software engineering companies that are easy to apply to - some say remote. site here
- Computer Science Jobs - based on Easy Application
- Best Places to Live for Tech Entrepreneurs
- NextPlex/Cleveland, OH, they post upcoming events on their Twitter
- Crain's Cleveland Business list of companies that employ software developers
- CLK Tech
- Cleveland Tech News - their site, seems inactive for a few months
- #cletech
- #clejobs
- Why Ohio Is The Best State In America To Launch A Start Up
- The 20 Hottest Cities for Tech Jobs Now
- The Hunt For The Next Portland: Hoteliers Bet Big On Small City America