This package provides utilities for interacting with a SpiNNaker machine.
In addition to a standard Python installation, this package depends on:
- SpiNNMachine
These requirements can be install using pip:
pip install SpiNNMachine
If you want to install for all users, run:
sudo pip install SpiNNMan
If you want to install only for yourself, run:
pip install SpiNNMan --user
To install in a virtualenv, with the virtualenv enabled, run:
pip install SpiNNMan
If you want to be able to edit the source code, but still have it referenced from other Python modules, you can set the install to be a developer install. In this case, download the source code, and extract it locally, or else clone the git repository:
git clone
To install as a development version which all users will then be able to use, run the following where the code has been extracted:
sudo pip install -e .
To install as a development version for only yourself, run:
pip install -e . --user
To install as a development version in a virtualenv
, with the virutalenv
enabled, run:
pip install -e .
To be able to run the unitests add [Test] to the pip installs above
pip install -e .[Test]