This is a wrapper on the Catalogue of Life API. Code follow the spirit/approach of the Gem serrano, and indeed much of the wrapping utility is copied 1:1 from that repo, thanks @sckott.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'colrapi'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install colrapi
Most of the ChecklistBank/Catalogue of Life API is wrapped by the Colrapi gem, but not everything is documented yet. Looking through the tests is a good way to see examples and learn how to use the Ruby gem. If you need something documented, please open an issue ticket.
The Colrapi Ruby gem uses dataset_id to access information scoped within a dataset. There are 4 types of datasets in ChecklistBank: external
, project
, release
, and xrelease
. Most datasets are external
, maintained outside of ChecklistBank and imported. A project
is a draft version of a dataset assembled inside ChecklistBank from external
datasets (e.g., Catalogue of Life). A release
is a published dataset released from a project
(e.g., Catalogue of Life 2024 Annual Checklist). An xrelease
is a published dataset in which automated tools were used to extend a release
dataset with additional information to fill in data gaps and have less editorial scrutiny. For example, this can mean that a very carefully scrutinized external
dataset can be assembled into a project, published with some editorial decisions as a release
and also extended to include missing names that a taxonomic expert might have deliberately excluded from their taxonomic database for various reasons in an xrelease
. xrelease
datasets aim to meet the use case of being able to attach occurrences and other data to a (nearly) complete list of scientific names. If you want the more expert scrutinized version of COL, then use a release
. If you want to attach data to a complete list of scientific names and are less concerned about taxonomic scrutiny, then use an xrelease
. (There may be no public COL xrelease
datasets yet as the feature is currently under development.)
Catalogue of Life has dataset_id=3, but you should almost never use dataset_id=3 because it is a draft unreleased version of COL and can have errors while the releases are being produced. Instead use 3LR to get the COL latest release, or 3LXR to get the COL latest extended release. COL releases new editions each month and the monthly releases are eventually deleted. If you need stable data that will be persistently accessible, then use the dataset_id=COLYY, where YY is the Annual Checklist year (e.g. COL24 to get the 2024 Annual Checklist). COL aims to keep the annual checklists permanently accessible, but the best practice is to download a copy of the data and archive it permanently with any research papers that use COL. Download a copy here, replacing {dataset_id} with the dataset_id:{dataset_id}/download
Get a list of external datasets in ChecklistBank:
Colrapi.dataset(origin: 'external')
Get a list of projects in ChecklistBank:
Colrapi.dataset(origin: 'project')
Get a list of releases in ChecklistBank released from Catalogue of Life:
Colrapi.dataset(origin: 'release', released_from: 3)
Get a list of xreleases in ChecklistBank released from Catalogue of Life:
Colrapi.dataset(origin: 'xrelease', released_from: 3)
Get a list of datasets that contribute to Catalogue of Life:
Colrapi.dataset(contributes_to: 3)
Get a list of datasets under a specific license:
Colrapi.dataset(license: 'cc by')
Get metadata by dataset_id:
Colrapi.dataset(dataset_id: 'COL24')
There are a two ways to conduct name usage search in ChecklistBank/Catalogue of Life: 1) using Elasticsearch or 2) querying PostgreSQL directly. Elasticsearch offers more advanced search functionality and parameters while PostgreSQL might perform faster.
Elasticsearch all of ChecklistBank:
Colrapi.nameusage_search(q: 'Homo sapiens') # => MultiJson object
Elasticsearch the Catalogue of Life latest release:
Colrapi.nameusage_search(dataset_id: '3LR', q: 'Homo sapiens') # => MultiJson object
Elasticsearch the Catalogue of Life 2024 Annual Checklist:
Colrapi.nameusage_search(dataset_id: 'COL24', q: 'Homo sapiens') # => MultiJson object
Elasticsearch Orthoptera Species File:
Colrapi.nameusage_search(dataset_id: 1021, q: 'Cyphoderris strepitans') # => MultiJson object
Query PostgreSQL directly for Homo sapiens in the Catalogue of Life latest release:
Colrapi.nameusage('3LR', q: 'Homo sapiens') # => MultiJson object
Query PostgreSQL directly for Homo sapiens in the Catalogue of Life 2024 Annual Checklist:
Colrapi.nameusage('COL24', q: 'Homo sapiens') # => MultiJson object
Query PostgreSQL directly for Cyphoderris strepitans in Orthoptera Species File
Colrapi.nameusage(1021, q: 'Cyphoderris strepitans') # => MultiJson object
Get a taxon from the Catalogue of Life latest release by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('3LR', taxon_id: 'BHC3') # => MultiJson object
Get the higher classification for a taxon from the Catalogue of Life latest release by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('3LR', taxon_id: 'BHC3', subresource: 'classification') # => MultiJson object
Get the distribution for a taxon from the Catalogue of Life latest release by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('3LR', taxon_id: 'BHC3', subresource: 'distribution') # => MultiJson object
Get additional info about a taxon from the Catalogue of Life latest release by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('3LR', taxon_id: 'BHC3', subresource: 'info') # => MultiJson object
Get species interactions for a taxon from 3i World Auchenorrhyncha Database by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon(2317, taxon_id: 28472, subresource: 'interaction') # => MultiJson object
Get media for a taxon from WoRMS World Porifera Database by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon(1044, taxon_id: '', subresource: 'media') # => MultiJson object
Get a source information from the Catalogue of Life latest release by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('3LR', taxon_id: 'BHC3', subresource: 'source') # => MultiJson object
Get synonyms from the Catalogue of Life latest release by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('3LR', taxon_id: 'BHC3', subresource: 'synonyms') # => MultiJson object
Get a taxonomic treatment from a Plazi dataset by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('49590', taxon_id: '03D087F29465E83AFCF39B19FA20FC96.taxon', subresource: 'treatment') # => MultiJson object
Get vernacular names from the Catalogue of Life latest release by taxon ID:
Colrapi.taxon('3LR', taxon_id: 'BHC3', subresource: 'vernacular') # => MultiJson object
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, update the
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT license.
Everyone interacting in the Colrapi project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.