- A web server (tested with Apache 2)
- PHP 5.4
- PHP PDO module (optional) -- for database support
- PHP Memcache module (optional) -- for memcached support
- Git (optional) -- for easy upgrades
- PHP-FIG Standards Compliant [http://www.php-fig.org/]
organizes your webpages and URLs- Database folders - define your urls using database rows
- Queryfolders - make your querystrings pretty
- Templates
- Auto-minify and bundle CSS/JS (SASS coming soon)
- Ajax navigation
- Inherit folder (virtual symlink)
is an ORM that uses AQLSky\Api
is a framework for creating REST APIsSky\Db
supports Master/Slave DB environments (PostgreSQL 9.1 & MySQL)Sky\Memcache
supports redundant Memcached servers- Cascading codebases and hooks
- CMS add-on codebase available [https://github.com/SkyPHP/cms]
Identify the public web folder for your website. It's probably something like
. -
Create a folder called
. Do not put it insidepublic_html
mkdir /path/to/codebases
- Create a folder called
. Do not put it insidepublic_html
. You need to set the permissions so your web server can write to this folder.
mkdir /path/to/storage
chmod 777 /path/to/storage
- Clone the SkyPHP codebase into your
cd /path/to/codebases
git clone --recursive -b 3.0 git://github.com/SkyPHP/skyphp.git
- Create a folder for your new project in
mkdir /path/to/codebases/my-project
mkdir /path/to/codebases/my-project/lib
mkdir /path/to/codebases/my-project/pages
mkdir /path/to/codebases/my-project/templates
- Put
into your public web folder:
/path/to/public_html/.htaccess -- copy this file from
, or better yet create a symbolic link:ln -s /path/to/codebases/skyphp/.htaccess /path/to/public_html/
<?php // index.php // Powered by SkyPHP (github.com/SkyPHP) #$down_for_maintenance = true; $my_project_path = '/path/to/codebases/my-project/'; $skyphp_codebase_path = '/path/to/codebases/skyphp/'; $codebase_path_arr = [ $my_project_path, $skyphp_codebase_path ]; // make sure this folder is writable $skyphp_storage_path = "/path/to/storage/"; include $skyphp_codebase_path . 'sky.php';
Now open your website in your browser and you should see the 'Welcome to SkyPHP' page.
--> example.com/test
$this->title = 'Hello World';
// The js and css files for this page are attached automatically by the html5 template
// $this->js[] = '/pages/test/test.js';
// $this->css[] = '/pages/test/test.css';
$this->js[] = '/lib/js/some-other-library.js';
$this->head[] = '<meta property="example" content="you can add html to your head">';
$this->template('html5', 'top');
<h1>My Hello World Page</h1>
// ($this) is the Page object
d($this); // see some info about your Page
$this->template('html5', 'bottom');
use \My\Model\artist;
$artist = new artist([ // Create the object...
'name' => 'Anthrax'
]); // but don't save to the database yet.
if ($artist->_errors) { // Validation errors are generated in real-time.
d($artist->_errors); // Dump _errors array in a nice html format.
$artist->name = 'Slayer'; // Set the artist's name.
$artist->save(); // Save the object to the database.
$artist->set([ // Change multiple fields.
'name' => 'Slayer', // *'name' is not saved in this case because only
'state' => 'CA', // modified fields are saved.
'albums' => [ // You can easily save nested objects.
'name' => 'Diabolus in Musica',
'year' => 1998
$artist->update([ // Shorthand for updating fields in the database.
'name' => 'Slanthrax'
$artist = artist::insert([ // shorthand for inserting new objects to the db.
'name' => 'Anthrax',
'state' => 'NY'
echo $artist->id; // 5 // Get the newly created artist_id.
$aritst_id = 5;
$artist = new artist($artist_id); // Get artist from database by primary key.
$artist = artist::get($artist_id); // This is the same as above.
echo $artist->name; // Anthrax
$artist = artist::getOne([ // Get one artist using some criteria
'where' => "name = 'Slayer'" // ('where' can be a string or array)
])->update([ // and change their city.
'city' => 'Huntington Park'
$artists = artist::getMany([ // Get 100 "the" bands from Brooklyn.
'where' => [
"name ilike 'The %'",
"city = 'Brooklyn'",
"state = 'NY'"
'limit' => 100,
'order by' => 'name asc'
foreach ($artists as $artist) { // Display each artist and number of albums.
$qty = count($artist->albums);
echo "{$artist->name} have {$qty} albums.<br />";
$number_of_bands = artist::getCount([ // Get a count of all artists in Brooklyn.
'where' => "city = 'Brooklyn' and state = 'NY'"
$artist_ids = artist::getList([ // Get an array of every artist.id in NY.
'where' => "state = 'NY'"
namespace Crave\Model;
class artist extends \Sky\Model
{ // AQL defines the properties of your model.
// The underlying database structure is implied.
const AQL = "
artist {
[album]s as albums,
[genre(secondary__genre_id)] as secondary_genre
public static $_meta = [
'possibleErrors' => [ // All possible errors must go here.
'invalid_state' => [ // [ error_code => [message, type, fields] ]
'message' => 'Please enter a valid two character state abbreviation.',
'type' => 'invalid',
'fields' => ['state']
'requiredFields' => [ // An error is generated if $artist->name is blank.
'name' => 'Artist Name'
'readOnlyProperties' => [
'genre', // We don't want a developer accidentally changing
'secondary_genre' // the name of the genre (for all artists)!
'cachedLists' => [
'genre_id' // $genre->artists will be very fast with this.
* Checks to see if the artist's city is at least two-characters
public function validate_city() // This runs only if $this->city is not blank.
if (strlen($this->city) < 2) {
public function validate() // This runs every time any property value changes.