If you find that all the avatars you see are broken images, this is due to Github's camo caching mechanism. During the development process, the author left incorrect cache records on Github when debugging, but this does not affect your normal use. To delete the cache and reset it, you can refer to the tutorial in the following repository:
# Install hub-purge ( cd /tmp \ && curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mpyw/hub-purge/master/hub-purge.sh \ && chmod +x hub-purge.sh \ && mv hub-purge.sh /usr/local/bin/hub-purge )Then, you can use the command below to send PURGE request to delete cache.
hub-purge ShenQingchuan/github-contributor-svg-generatorYou may need to refresh several times by turning on Chrome DevTool's "Network" -> "Disable Cache"
Generate all contributors by counting PRs and commits.
Inspired by Antfu's sponsorkit
npm i --save-dev make-github-contributor-svg
# Yarn
yarn add -D make-github-contributor-svg
pnpm add -D make-github-contributor-svg
This package provide a excutable command gh-contrib-svg
You can run gh-contrib-svg -h
to display help for command:
Usage: gh-contrib-svg [options]
-t, --token <token> Personal GitHub token
-o, --owner <owner> Repo owner name
-r, --repo <repo> GitHub repo path
-s, --size <size> Single avatar block size (pixel) (default: "120")
-w, --width <width> Output image width (pixel) (default: "1000")
-c, --count <count> Avatar count in one line (default: "8")
-h, --help display help for command
Using the command examples provided below will fetch repository-related information.
The contribution leaderboard will only display users who have created Pull Requests, and they will be ranked in descending order based on the number of Commits they have created.
Info: After this command finished, a .github-contributors
folder would be created, in order to store SVG files in your project's root directory.
gh-contrib-svg -t <Your Github Token> -o vuejs-translations -r docs-zh-cn
# You can configure the default token and owner to simplify the command
# Add the following code in .zshrc or .bashrc
export $Github_token=Your GithubToken
export $Github_owner=Repository owner name (user name or organization name)
gh-contrib-svg -r <repo>
# or use gh-contrib-svg repo path
gh-contrib-svg https://github.com/ShenQingchuan/github-contributor-svg-generator
The contribution ranking is calculated based on the following formula: "The user's successfully merged Pull Requests + the number of commits made by the user in the current repository."
You can copy the yaml example below and change the -o
, -r
arguments by following the guide above.
name: update-contributors-svg
workflow_dispatch: # Can trigger manually
- cron: '0 7 * * *' # Schedule on everyday 7:00
name: Update contributors SVG
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # You can also try macos-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set node
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: lts/*
- name: Install pnpm
uses: pnpm/[email protected]
version: 7
- name: Install deps
run: pnpm install
- name: Run SVG generation script
run: pnpx make-github-contributor-svg -t ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} -o vuejs-translations -r docs-zh-cn
- name: Commit
uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v4
message: "chore(workflow): update contributors image"
add: ".github-contributors/*"
Add the HTML code sample below to your README after replace the <owner>
, repo
and <svg-file-name>
<p align="center">
<a href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/<owner>/<repo>@main/.github-contributors/<svg-file-name>.svg">
<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/<owner>/<repo>@main/.github-contributors/<svg-file-name>.svg" />
Here is a demo for Vuejs Chinese documentation translation contributors.