This project serves as an introduction into the fullstack development world for myself. It features a simple game that I made up - AnimalFiveHead. The rules are as such:
- All player receive a single card to begin
- Each player can choose to chain another card upto a maximum of 5 cards
- Each card has a value attached to it and is added to create a total score
- If the adjacent card is of a higher ranked card, the lower card value is remove from the total. i.e. Leave, Caterpillar. A Caterpillar eats leave, and the leave value must be subtracted from the total.
- The Keeper and Tourist (NPC) Player are a subset of the Player and follow the same summation logic. However they can protect certain card types from the negative summation
- The NPC players can only chain upto a maximum of 5 cards
Simply pull the source code from git into Visual Studio to build and run These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Visual Studio 2022
- .Net SDK 6+
- Postman
- Sql Server Management Studio
- Docker and Docker Desktop
All images (cards, game splashes) were sourced from different sites and do not own them.
- WebClient UI
- Refactoring
- Sashen Govender