Many eukaryotic genomes contain numerous inserts of extra nucler DNA (such as nuMts [mitochondrial inserts], numPs [plasmid], and insertions of Wolbachia DNA). We use the term 'vagrant DNA' to cover all these different types of inserted sequence. The assembly of vagrant DNA is problematic, so it is difficult to estimate how much is in the genome.
Instead the package vagrantDNA estimates the proportion of the nuclear genome is made up of a particular vagrant sequence without the need for genome assembly. The the method is designed to use cheap low-pass (genome skimming) data.
# Install devtools from CRAN
# Install vagrantDNA from GitHub
# Load package
download.file("", destfile = "hopper.csv")
hopperDF <- read.table("hopper.csv")
hopperFit <- rainbowPlot(hopperDF, seed = 12345, printout = FALSE, title = "Grasshopper")
If you are planning to replicate our results starting from the read data, these are the tools we used:
tools (2.23.8)freebayes
(1.2.0)- GNU
The sequencing data are available from the SRA.