The potential candidates of ATF, Uranium Diboride in GitHub. This common template enables future class reports to have a example template to use.
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In Windows, you need to have a TeX distribution to control your Tex package, install that like Miktek, TinyTeX etc.
Create a folder in anywhere you want, then right-click to open Powershell in the folder, then enter the command in the follow
git clone
Using the text editor like TeXworks, VScode...... then start your report time!
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Install git via Xcode, Homebrew etc. The lastest MacOS version have some problem in origin terminal install ( the install may be failed ), if you find out you have problem like
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, just go ahead to install the lastest Command Line Tools for Xcode. -
Still, you need a Tex distribution to control your LaTex, MacOS suggest and only can use "MacTex", its have ultra fancy generated speed and very easy to use.
Going to the Root directory (go to Finder and press Shift+Command+G then type "/") find a direction you want and use Terminal, type this commnad.
cd "your prefer direction"
then clone from githubgit clone
In MacOS, i swear using VScode to edit your content is the best decision, after all, enjoy your report time!
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This Report original content's abstract
It is universally acknowledged that power generation is most fundamental facility required
by every industry, as almost all things require electricity to work. Among all the methods
of electricity generation, nuclear power always faces considerable scrutiny. Undoubtedly,
nuclear power brings about feelings of fear and unknown horror, especially after the accidents
at Fukushima and Chernobyl. Such concerns are not unreasonable, as people’s fear of nuclear
power is a good measure to prevent accidents from happening. However, Taiwan people are
too afraid of using this technology, turns out the result is miss out the opportunity to improve
our ecosystem and make it more environmentally friendly. In this research, I will focus on the
potentially fuel, Uranium diboride (UB2), an interesting fuel that nowadays are
research to be an ATF candidate fuel. Its physical properties also make it suitable for use in
GEN-IV reactors, which require high standards to reaction. All of these factors make me intersted on UB2,
and this research is aim to explore its potential