This repository contains my small c excercises during the process of learning CS50
Syllabus: #####Week 0 Binary. ASCII. Algorithms. Pseudocode. Source code. Compiler. Object code. Scratch. Statements. Boolean expressions. Conditions. Loops. Variables. Functions. Arrays. Threads. Events.
#####Week 1 Linux. C. Compiling. Libraries. Types. Standard output.
#####Week 2 Casting. Imprecision. Switches. Scope. Strings. Arrays. Cryptography.
#####Week 3 Command-line arguments. Searching. Sorting. Bubble sort. Selection sort. Insertion sort. O. Ω .Θ. Recursion. Merge Sort.
#####Week 4 Stack. Debugging. File I/O. Hexadecimal. Strings. Pointers. Dynamic memory allocation.
#####Week 5 Heap. Buffer overflow. Linked lists. Hash tables. Tries. Trees. Stacks. Queues.
#####Week 6 TCP/IP. HTTP.
#####Week 7 HTML. CSS. PHP.
#####Week 8 MVC. SQL.
#####Week 9 JavaScript. Ajax.
#####Week 10 Security. Artificial intelligence.
#####Week 11 Artificial intelligence, continued.
#####Week 12 Exciting conclusion.
######################################################################## RECOVER:: recover.c : a program that recovers .jpeg images from card.raw
~/workspace/pset4/ (master) $ ./recover
mario.c : a program that recreates half-pyramid using hashes (#) for blocks.
~/workspace/pset1/ (master) $ ./mario
height: 8
######################################################################## VIGENERE:: vigenere.c : a program to vigenere cipher a text
~/workspace/pset2/ (master) $ ./vigenere bacon
Meet me at the park at eleven am
Negh zf av huf pcfx bt gzrwep oz
######################################################################## WATER:: water.c : a program to convert shower's length (in minutes) to equivalent water bottles
~/workspace/pset1/ (master) $ ./water
minutes: 10
bottles: 120