Guild management tool for Black Desert Online using React + Django. View member rosters, node war statistics, and set up parties for node wars. Authentication is provided via Discord. Supports a number of notification options via Discord webhooks. Supported BDO Regions are NA, EU, and SEA.
To setup locally using docker, run docker-compose up
- Postgres 9.4+
- Node and Yarn
- Python 3.x+
Certain scripts require a crontab set up in ordering to run them periodically.
// Sync Discord membership info every 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * python sync_discord
// Post war teams to Discord via webhook. Supported intervals are 60, 30, and 15 mins before war.
0 * * * * python post-war-teams 60 // 60 minutes before
30 * * * * python post-war-teams 30 // 30 minutes before
45 * * * * python post-war-teams 15 // 15 minutes before
// Optionally add the following to periodically recalculate the aggregated stats in case they get out of sync
0 6 * * * python recalculate-aggregates
Base project build from