A functional but elegant unofficial Discord client for freeBSD, that aims for feature-parity with the official Discord client
This should work on any linux distro/freeBSD derivative... proper freeBSD packages are in progress
git clone https://github.com/RoboChimera/ChimeraCord &&
cd ChimeraCord &&
chmod +x install.sh &&
- Chat,
- Audio, Video
- Desktop Notifications
- Voice chat
- Links open on external website (discord webapp links open on webapp, for example, invite links or channel links)
- Ctrl-Q shortcut to quit.
On freeBSD, the dependencies install by themselves using install.sh, for others, you are going to have to install manually.
- devel/electron19
- www/npm
- www/node16
- No Screen Recording.
You tell me :)
Loading Discord webapp (Dark mode)...
Discord homepage (Light mode)...
Example of a notification...
The project is licensed under the BSD-2-Clause License [BSD-2-Clause](https://www.freebsd.org/internal/software-license/)