Generate secure passwords easily and maintain cross domain uniqueness.
This is the firefox plugin for RndPhrase Improved. It is currently an ongoing project so hang on. If you want any features, please fork and make pull requests.
Start by getting jpm
(hint: you also need nodejs for this. Sorry.)
npm install jpm --global
If you didn't get the code already, do so
git clone
then change directory and build it cd RndPhrase-Firefox npm install jpm xpi
From inside firefox, find the .xpi file and install it.
The first time you go into a website it will prompt you for a session seed. This will be used as seed until the browser is closed.
To get the rndphrase password prompt type in #
into a password field. It will then make a popup outside the website DOM for you to enter it into.
When done just hit tab or enter, and it will insert it into your password field.
You can mail me on rel at zx dot dk. You can also join #rndphrase on