This is a docker ecosystem with two nodes to test baobaxia project.
The ecosystem includes :
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (docker image: phusion/baseimage)
- Debian jessie/8.3 (docker image: debian)
More info:
- Baobaxia project:
- phusion baseimage:
- Docker version >= 1.10.1
- Docker Compose version >= 1.6.0
To build docker image:
docker-compose build
To run docker containers :
docker-compose up -d
To enter in container node1:
docker exec -it baobaxia_node1 /bin/bash
or node2:
docker exec -it baobaxia_node2 /bin/bash
To install baobaxia in a node (it takes several minutes depending on the connection):
node1> cd /root/baobaxia && ./
NOTICE: you must generate ssh key for user "exu" in node1 and node2, then copy public key in /home/exu/.ssh/authorized_keys in other node.