- insights-results-aggregator-cleaner
Simple service that can be used to identify clusters, for which we are keeping very old data (>30 days) in the database. This means that the cluster is no longer available or that the customer has disabled the Insights Operator, either way it means that these data are no longer relevant to us and should be pruned.
Such clusters can be detected very easily by checking the timestamps stored
(along other information) in the report
table in Insights Results Aggregator
Additionally the service can delete records for provided list of clusters. This means the clusters can be deleted on demand and in controlled environment.
Documentation is hosted on Github Pages https://redhatinsights.github.io/insights-results-aggregator-cleaner/. Sources are located in docs.
Please look into document CONTRIBUTING.md that contains all information about how to contribute to this project.
Usage of cleaner:
show authors
perform database cleanup
perform database cleanup for all old clusters
-clusters string
list of clusters to cleanup. Ignored when cleanup-all is selected
if true, the cleanup-all method won't delete any row, just print how many are affected (default true)
fill-in database by test data
-max-age string
max age for displaying old records
list clusters with the same rule(s) disabled by different users
-output string
filename for old cluster listing
show configuration
print summary table after cleanup
vacuum database
show cleaner version
Currently this service just displays such clusters (cluster IDs) and do nothing else - i.e. the results are not deleted by default.
In order to delete data, the -cleanup
command line option needs to be used.
In this case the file cluster_list.txt
should contain list of clusters to be
Optionally it is possible to specify list of clusters to be cleaned up by using
the clusters ...
command line option.
If you run -cleanup-all
there is no need to use cluster_list.txt
the clusters
option. It will delete all the records older than -max-age
Command line option -fill-in-db
can be used to insert some test data into
database. Don't use it on production, of course.
You can run and initialize a database by running podman-compose up -d
. Then
you will be able to run ./insights-results-aggregator-cleaner -fill-in-db
0 the tool finished with success
1 is returned in case of any storage-related error
2 is returned in case the fill-in DB operation failed
3 is returned when DB cleanup operation failed for any reason
Go version 1.14 or newer is required to build this tool.
make build
Available targets are:
clean Run go clean
build Build binary containing service executable
build-cover Build binary with code coverage detection support
fmt Run go fmt -w for all sources
lint Run golint
vet Run go vet. Report likely mistakes in source code
cyclo Run gocyclo
ineffassign Run ineffassign checker
shellcheck Run shellcheck
errcheck Run errcheck
goconst Run goconst checker
gosec Run gosec checker
abcgo Run ABC metrics checker
json-check Check all JSONs for basic syntax
style Run all the formatting related commands (fmt, vet, lint, cyclo) + check shell scripts
run Build the project and executes the binary
test Run the unit tests
cover Display text coverage in Web browser
coverage Display test coverage in terminal
before_commit Checks done before commit
function_list List all functions in generated binary file
help Show this help screen
Default name of configuration file is config.toml
It can be changed via environment variable INSIGHTS_RESULTS_CLEANER_CONFIG_FILE
An example of configuration file that can be used in devel environment:
db_driver = "postgres"
pg_username = "postgres"
pg_password = "postgres"
pg_host = "localhost"
pg_port = 5432
pg_db_name = "aggregator"
pg_params = "sslmode=disable"
schema = "ocp_recommendations"
debug = true
log_level = ""
max_age = "90 days"
Environment variables that can be used to override configuration file settings:
can be set to "postgres" or "sqlite3"schema
can be set to "ocp_recommendations" or "dvo_recommendations"
Behaviour tests for this service are included in Insights Behavioral Spec repository. In order to run these tests, the following steps need to be made:
- clone the Insights Behavioral Spec repository
- go into the cloned subdirectory
- run the
from this subdirectory
List of all test scenarios prepared for this service is available at https://github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-behavioral-spec#insights-results-aggregator-cleaner-service
Just the service needs to be started:
- Logging is set to
{"level":"info","filename":"config","time":"2021-01-28T10:08:47+01:00","message":"Parsing configuration file"}
10:08AM DBG Started
10:08AM INF DB connection configuration driverName=postgres
10:08AM INF Old report age=394 cluster=5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa lastChecked=2020-04-09T06:16:02Z reported=2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=363 cluster=b0c2d108-0603-41c3-9a8f-0a37eba5df49 lastChecked=2020-01-23T16:15:59Z reported=2020-02-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=334 cluster=22222222-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff lastChecked=2020-01-23T16:15:59Z reported=2020-03-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=303 cluster=33333333-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff lastChecked=2020-01-23T16:15:59Z reported=2020-04-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=273 cluster=5d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767ac lastChecked=2020-04-02T09:00:05Z reported=2020-05-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=242 cluster=5d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa lastChecked=2020-04-09T06:16:02Z reported=2020-06-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=212 cluster=6d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa lastChecked=2020-04-02T09:00:05Z reported=2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=181 cluster=5e5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa lastChecked=2020-04-02T09:00:05Z reported=2020-08-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=150 cluster=c0c2d108-0603-41c3-9a8f-0a37eba5df49 lastChecked=2020-01-23T16:15:59Z reported=2020-09-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM INF Old report age=120 cluster=abaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff lastChecked=2020-01-23T16:15:59Z reported=2020-10-01T00:00:00Z
10:08AM DBG Finished
- Logging is set to
{"level":"info","filename":"config","time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Parsing configuration file"}
{"level":"info","driverName":"postgres","time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"DB connection configuration"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa","reported":"2020-01-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-04-09T06:16:02Z","age":394,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"b0c2d108-0603-41c3-9a8f-0a37eba5df49","reported":"2020-02-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-01-23T16:15:59Z","age":363,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"22222222-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff","reported":"2020-03-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-01-23T16:15:59Z","age":334,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"33333333-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff","reported":"2020-04-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-01-23T16:15:59Z","age":303,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"5d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767ac","reported":"2020-05-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-04-02T09:00:05Z","age":273,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"5d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa","reported":"2020-06-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-04-09T06:16:02Z","age":242,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"6d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa","reported":"2020-07-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-04-02T09:00:05Z","age":212,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"5e5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa","reported":"2020-08-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-04-02T09:00:05Z","age":181,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"c0c2d108-0603-41c3-9a8f-0a37eba5df49","reported":"2020-09-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-01-23T16:15:59Z","age":150,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
{"level":"info","cluster":"abaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff","reported":"2020-10-01T00:00:00Z","lastChecked":"2020-01-23T16:15:59Z","age":120,"time":"2021-01-28T10:09:49+01:00","message":"Old report"}
List of tables:
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | cluster_rule_toggle | table | postgres
public | cluster_rule_user_feedback | table | postgres
public | cluster_user_rule_disable_feedback | table | postgres
public | consumer_error | table | postgres
public | migration_info | table | postgres
public | report | table | postgres
public | rule_hit | table | postgres
public | recommendation | table | postgres
public | advisor_ratings | table | postgres
public | rule_disable | table | postgres
Column | Type | Modifiers
org_id | integer | not null
cluster | character varying | not null
report | character varying | not null
reported_at | timestamp without time zone |
last_checked_at | timestamp without time zone |
kafka_offset | bigint | not null default 0
"report_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (org_id, cluster)
"report_cluster_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (cluster)
"report_kafka_offset_btree_idx" btree (kafka_offset)
Referenced by:
TABLE "cluster_rule_user_feedback" CONSTRAINT "cluster_rule_user_feedback_cluster_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (cluster_id) REFERENCES report(cluster) ON DELETE CASCADE
Column | Type | Modifiers
cluster_id | character varying | not null
rule_id | character varying | not null
user_id | character varying | not null
disabled | smallint | not null
disabled_at | timestamp without time zone |
enabled_at | timestamp without time zone |
updated_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
"cluster_rule_toggle_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cluster_id, rule_id, user_id)
Check constraints:
"cluster_rule_toggle_disabled_check" CHECK (disabled >= 0 AND disabled <= 1)
Column | Type | Modifiers
cluster_id | character varying | not null
rule_id | character varying | not null
user_id | character varying | not null
message | character varying | not null
user_vote | smallint | not null
added_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
updated_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
"cluster_rule_user_feedback_pkey1" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cluster_id, rule_id, user_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"cluster_rule_user_feedback_cluster_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (cluster_id) REFERENCES report(cluster) ON DELETE CASCADE
Column | Type | Modifiers
cluster_id | character varying | not null
user_id | character varying | not null
rule_id | character varying | not null
message | character varying | not null
added_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
updated_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
"cluster_user_rule_disable_feedback_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cluster_id, user_id, rule_id)
Table "public.consumer_error"
Column | Type | Modifiers
topic | character varying | not null
partition | integer | not null
topic_offset | integer | not null
key | character varying |
produced_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
consumed_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
message | character varying |
error | character varying | not null
"consumer_error_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (topic, partition, topic_offset)
Column | Type | Modifiers
version | integer | not null
Column | Type | Modifiers
org_id | integer | not null
cluster_id | character varying | not null
rule_fqdn | character varying | not null
error_key | character varying | not null
template_data | character varying | not null
"rule_hit_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cluster_id, org_id, rule_fqdn, error_key)
Table "public.recommendation"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
org_id | integer | | not null |
cluster_id | character varying | | not null |
rule_fqdn | text | | not null |
error_key | character varying | | not null |
rule_id | character varying | | not null | '.'::character varying
created_at | timestamp without time zone | | | timezone('utc'::text, now())
"recommendation_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (org_id, cluster_id, rule_fqdn, error_key)
Figuring out which reports are older than the specified time:
Actually cleaning the data for given cluster:
Column | Type | Modifiers
org_id | integer | not null
cluster_id | character varying | not null
namespace_id | character varying | not null
namespace_name | character varying |
report | text varying |
recommendations | integer | not null
objects | integer | not null
reported_at | timestamp without time zone |
last_checked_at | timestamp without time zone |
rule_hits_count | jsonb |
"report_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (org_id, cluster_id, namespace_id)
Documentation is hosted on Github Pages https://redhatinsights.github.io/insights-results-aggregator-cleaner-proxy/. Sources are located in docs.
Please look into document CONTRIBUTING.md that contains all information about how to contribute to this project.
Package manifest is available at docs/manifest.txt.