IXSI is a interface for exchanging information between a Travel Information System and a Ride Sharing System (Carsharing, Bikesharing). This repository contains the documentation written in TeX. To generate the pdf:
git clone https://github.com/RWTH-i5-IDSG/ixsi.git
cd ixsi
a recent TexLive version is recommended for building.
to automatically update the generated part on pull/merge or checkout you can add the respective script as a local hook:
echo "`git rev-parse --git-dir`/../xml/generate-tex-from-schema.sh" >> .git/hooks/post-checkout
echo "`git rev-parse --git-dir`/../xml/generate-tex-from-schema.sh" >> .git/hooks/post-merge
chmod +x .git/hooks/post-{checkout,merge}
IXSI is currently still under development and the API is not final.
precompiled pdfs are available under (automatically generated):
https://rwth-i5-idsg.github.io/downloads/ixsi/ixsi-docu-econnect.pdf (german version)
https://rwth-i5-idsg.github.io/downloads/ixsi/ixsi-docu-econnect-english-version.pdf (english version)
The respective XML schema is available under:
IXSI was initially developed for eConnect Germany, Hub Osnabrück by
cantamen GmbH, HaCon Ing.-Ges. mbH, RWTH Aachen
The branch mobilitybroker
contains non standard additions developed in project Mobility Broker. More Information about Mobility Broker is available: http://mobility-broker.com/ (in german)
precompiled pdf: https://rwth-i5-idsg.github.io/downloads/ixsi/ixsi-docu-mobilitybroker.pdf
The respective XML schema for branch mobilitybroker
is available under:
The branch smartcar
contains non standard additions developed in project RWTH Aachen Ford Alliance - Mobility Services using AppLink. More Information can be found in the publication: https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vehits/SamselBTKK17
precompiled pdf: https://rwth-i5-idsg.github.io/downloads/ixsi/ixsi-docu-smartcar.pdf (german)
https://rwth-i5-idsg.github.io/downloads/ixsi/ixsi-docu-smartcar-english-version.pdf (english)
The respective XML schema for branch smartcar
is available under: