A Developer Tool in the form of a Web extension that lets you generate and apply color palettes to any website with just a few clicks with high level of customization.
Chrome Extension: Chrome Extension Link Firefox Add-on: Firefox Add-on link Website (docs included): Website link
i. Fork the repo into your account
ii. Clone the project into your local machine
git clone https://github.com/<Your-name>/Chromafy.git
Chromafy Extension
- Navigate to the folder
cd chromafy-extension
cd chromafy-app
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Run the project on local machine
npm run dev
NOTE: the CSS files are located in the chromafy-extension/extension-files/styles folder
If you've made any changes
- Build the react app
npm run build
- Navigate back by one directory, and then navigate to extension-files folder
cd ..
cd extension-files
- Get the name of the newly built contentScript file from the assets folder inside the build (dist) folder (i.e. full path: chromafy-extension/extension-files/dist/assets/)
- Update the previous contentScript file name with the current one in injectReactApp function inside contentScript.js (i.e. full path: chromafy-extension/extension-files/contentScript.js)
To upload the web extension and use it on your device
- go to
in your Chrome browser, clickload unpacked
and select theextension-files
folder (i.e full path: chromafy-extension/extension-files)
Chromafy Website
(From the root directory)
- Navigate to the folder
cd chromafy-website
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Run the project on local machine
npm run dev
Thank you for considering to contribute to this project 😄
Anybody who is familiar with the project's tech stack of ReactJS/Astro/Chrome Extensions/Firefox Extensions can contribute. If you are interested to contribute and want to learn more about the technologies that are used in this project, checkout the links below.
Never made an open source contribution before? And wondering how to contribute to this project? No worries! Here's a quick guide,
- Choose any feature/bug you wanna contribute to.
- Fork the repository into your own account.
- Clone the repo you have forked in your local machine using
git clone https://github.com/<Your-name>/Chromafy.git
- Create a new branch for your fix by using the command
git checkout -b YourName-branch-name
- Make the changes you wanna do and stage them using the command
git add files-you-have-changed
or usegit add .
- Use the
git commit -m "Short description of the changes"
to describe the changes you have done with a message. - Push the changes to your remote repository using
git push origin your-branch-name
- Submit a PR(pull request) to the upstream repository (PrajwalDhule/Chromafy) with a title and a small description.
- Wait for the pull request to be reviewed, make appropriate changes if recommended, and submit it.
- And your pull request is merged! Congrats 🎊
Checkout the Contributing.md file before contributing.
If you need help, you can email at:
Or connect with me on