This project focuses on developing a robust machine learning model to accurately predict the mass of galaxies based on observable properties like brightness from various bands and redshift. To enhance model performance, we'll be using effective outlier detection techniques.
- Develop a model that accurately predicts galaxy mass.
- Analyze the impact of outliers on model performance.
- Utilize probability distribution functions (PDFs) to explore outlier detection strategies.
Data Collection : You can find the kaggle data from this website: Galaxy Mass Prediction Dataset
Preprocessing & Feature Engineering : Finding relevant features for the model prediction. In this case, the necessary features are provided having no null values which are captured through sensors.
Identifying & Addressing the outliers : Utilized statistical methods (e.g., IQR, Z-scores) to identify outliers and calculated through both the axis (0 and 1).
Model Training & Evaluation : Trained the linear regression model and evaluated the performance with R-squared metric. Iterated with different threshold values for outlier detection.
The model achieved an accuracy of approximately 91% when including outliers. By removing 0.8% of outliers, we significantly improved performance to 95.5%. This clearly demonstrates the substantial impact of outliers on the model.
To further enhance accuracy, we can explore alternative regression models such as Decision Trees and Support Vector Regression.