"TravelCompanion" is a React web application that provides users with a platform to plan and organize their travel adventures. The application allows users to discover various travel destinations, and create travel itineraries. The app aims to enhance travel planning by providing users with valuable insights, tips, and recommendations.
- Frontend: ReactJS, Redux (optional for state management), Axios (for API calls), and CSS for styling.
- Backend: Flask, a Python-based microweb framework, handles the server-side logic.
- Database:MongoDB, a NoSQL database, stores and manages travel-related data, such as user profiles, travel destinations, and itineraries.
- First, you have to clone the repository in your system. Make use of the command.
git clone https://github.com/PiyushSaklani/TravelCompanion.git
- Open the TravelCompanion folder(
cd TravelCompanion
)in the terminal. Then install all the packages using the command.
npm install
- To start the web application write.
npm start
- To run the backend open the Python folder in TracelCompanion and run the app.py file.
- For the database open the MongoDB folder(
cd MongoDB
) in the terminal and install all the packages one's using.
npm install
- To start the database run the command.
nodemon server.js