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Think of sensible.vim as one step above 'nocompatible' mode: a universal set of defaults that (hopefully) everyone can agree on.

  • If you're new to Vim, you can install this as a starting point, rather than copying some random vimrc you found.
  • If you're pair programming and you can't agree on whose vimrc to use, this can be your neutral territory.
  • If you're administrating a server with an account that's not exclusively yours, you can scp this up to make things a bit more tolerable.
  • If you're troubleshooting a plugin and need to rule out interference from your vimrc, having this installed will ensure you still have some basic amenities.


If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen.vim, and then simply copy and paste:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://


See the source for the authoritative list of features. (Don't worry, it's mostly :set calls.) Here's a taste:

  • 'backspace': Backspace through anything in insert mode.
  • 'incsearch': Start searching before pressing enter.
  • 'listchars': Makes :set list (visible whitespace) prettier.
  • 'scrolloff': Always show at least one line above/below the cursor.
  • 'directory': Dump swap files under ~/.local/share/vim/swap, ~/Library/Vim/swap, or ~\Application Data\Vim\swap, depending on your platform. Also 'backupdir' and 'undodir'. The directories aren't created automatically, so try mkdir -p ~/Library/Vim/{swap,backup,undo}.
  • nmap Y y$: Make Y behave like C and D.
  • runtime! macros/matchit.vim: Load the version of matchit.vim that ships with Vim.


How can I see what this plugin actually does?

The source is authoritative. Use :help 'option' to see the documentation for an option. If you install scriptease.vim, you can press K on an option (or command, or function) to jump to its documentation.

How can I override a setting?

Normally, sensible.vim loads after your vimrc, making it a bit tricky to override (although you could use after/plugin/sensible.vim). If you want to load it earlier, add the following line to you vimrc, then put your overrides below.

runtime! plugin/sensible.vim

Feel free to let me know which setting you object to, so I can reassess whether it makes sense to include it.

What's with these .*.un~ files?

Basically, they make it so that you can undo things that happened in a previous invocation of Vim. See :help undo-persistence for details. If you don't like them strewn all over the file system, you have a few options.

  1. Create the appropriate directory that sensible.vim automatically configures for your platform:

    • ~/.local/share/vim/undo on Linux
    • ~/Library/Vim/undo on OS X
    • ~\Application Data\Vim\undo on Windows
  2. Provide your own preferred location in 'undodir':

    set undodir^=~/.vim/undo//
  3. Disable them entirely:

    set noundofile

You can also just globally ignore them in your SCM of choice. That's what I do.


I want this to be a plugin nobody objects to installing. Let me know if you have any objections to anything. There are a handful of settings I figured might be controversial, but I included anyways, just to settle the question once and for all. It won't take much persuasion for me to remove them. Everything else is negotiable.

Feel free to ask a question if you're not sure why I've set something, as I haven't put much effort into documenting that.

I'm a stickler for commit messages, so if you send me a pull request with so much as a superfluous period in the subject line, I will close it without so much as a second thought, and save my precious attention for someone who can actually follow directions.


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This pairs great with sleuth.vim.


Copyright © Tim Pope. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.


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