A Go quick and dirty utility for cleaning collections and loading fixtures into them.
go get github.com/OwlyCode/mongofixtures
session, err := Begin("localhost", "database")
defer session.End()
if err != nil {
// Initial cleaning.
// Now population time !
session.Push("collection", document{Id: bson.NewObjectId(), Title: "This is a demo"})
// Load some yaml.
Note that Push and Clean can return both an error that you might want to check.
You can provide to the Begin function host parameter any string representing a mongo connection. For example : "mongodb://myuser:mypass@localhost" should work fine.
/!\ The short notation for arrays [] is not supported at the moment. /!\
You can generate ids by using __something__. Every time mongofixtures sees a string matching __(something)__ it generates an ObjectId and stores it. If you use __something__ elsewhere mongofixtures will set the same ObjectId. Take a look a test.yml to view an example.
- More tests !
- Godoc the yml part
- Improve yml support