$ git clone [email protected]:OCA/maintainer-tools.git
$ cd maintainer-tools
$ virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ python setup.py install
Alternatively if using pipx.
$ pipx install oca-maintainers-tools@git+https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools.git
These tools are mostly for maintenance purpose only. They are used by OCA maintainers to address common operations across all repos.
Github authentication uses a token, that must be previously created on Github, at Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens.
Set and store the token to be used for Github auth using:
$ oca-github-login
Alternatively, the token can be set on the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.
As a third alternative, if you have the gh client installed
and have authenticated with gh auth login
, maintainer tools will attempt to obtain the
token from it using gh auth token
Goal: members of the teams should never be added directly on GitHub. They should be added on https://community.odoo.com. This script will sync all the teams from Odoo to GitHub.
- Your odoo user must have read access to the projects and users;
- The partners on odoo must have their GitHub login set otherwise they won't be added in the GitHub teams;
- Your GitHub user must have owners rights on the OCA organization to be able to add or remove members;
- The odoo project must have the same name than the GitHub teams.
Run the script in "dry-run" mode:
$ oca-copy-maintainers --dry-run
Apply the changes on GitHub:
$ oca-copy-maintainers
The first time it runs, it will ask your odoo's username and password.
You may store them using the --store
option, but watch out: the password is stored in clear text.
Set standardized labels to ease the issue workflow on all repositories with same colors. This tools will also warn you what are the specific labels on some repository
$ oca-set-repo-labels
The script oca-clone-everything
can be used to clone all the OCA projects:
create a fresh directory, use oca-github-login (or copy oca.cfg from a place
where you've already logged in) and run oca-clone-everything.
The script will create a clone for all the OCA projects registered on
github. For projects already cloned, it run git fetch --all
to get the
latest versions.
If you pass the --organization-remotes <comma-separated-list>
option, the script will also add remotes for the listed
accounts, and run git fetch
to get the source code from these forks. For instance:
$ oca-clone-everything --organization-remotes yourlogin,otherlogin
will create two remotes, in addition to the default origin
, called
and otherlogin
, respectively referencing
[email protected]:yourlogin/projectname
[email protected]:otherlogin/projectname
and fetch these remotes, for all the
OCA projects. It does not matter whether the forks exist on github or not, and
you can create them later.
TIP to update branch in shell at once: ls | xargs -I % git -C % pull origin branch_number
These tools are meant to be used both by repo maintainers and contributors. You can leverage them to give more quality to your modules and to respect OCA guidelines.
To provide high quality README for our modules we generate them automatically.
The sections of the final README are organized in fragments.
They must be put inside a readme
folder respecting [this structure|./readme].
To generate the final README for the module auth_keycloak
$ oca-gen-addon-readme --repo-name=server-auth --branch=10.0 --addon-dir=auth_keycloak
The result will be a fully PyPI compliant README.rst in the root of your module.
You may also use this script for your own repositories by specifying this
additional argument --org-name=myorganisation
To facilitate the generation of the changelog of addons, we have a
small wrapper around towncrier.
For example, this will update HISTORY.rst for mis_builder
and mis_builder_budget
with the version found in their manifest:
$ oca-towncrier --repo=mis-builder --addon-dir=mis_builder --addon-dir=mis_builder_budget --commit
To provide an icon for our modules we generate them automatically.
To generate the icon for the module auth_keycloak
$ oca-gen-addon-icon --addon-dir=auth_keycloak
A custom icon can be added using the --src-icon
$ oca-gen-addon-icon --addon-dir=auth_keycloak --src-icon=/path/to/custom/icon.png
As a developer, you want to launch the scripts without installing the egg.
$ git clone [email protected]:OCA/maintainer-tools.git
$ cd maintainer-tools
$ virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .
Run tests
$ tox # all tests for all python versions
$ tox -e py27 # python 2.7
$ tox -- -k readme -v # run tests containing 'readme' in their name, verbose
Set the client token to use for Github authentication
$ python -m tools.github_login
Run a script
$ python -m tools.copy_maintainers
You can use the GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable to specify the token
$ GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx python -m tools.copy_maintainers
In any addons repo, you can use these pre-commit hooks:
# .pre-commit-config.yaml file
- repo: https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools
rev: master # This is just an example; you must use a tag/commit instead!
# Use each script's `--help` to understand the args
- id: oca-gen-addon-readme
- --addons-dir=.
- --org-name=OCA
- --repo-name=server-tools
- --branch=13.0
# This job could easily produce conflicts when it runs on every commit,
# so it's added as a manual job. If you automate it, beware.
# See https://pre-commit.com/#confining-hooks-to-run-at-certain-stages
- id: oca-gen-addons-table
stages: [manual]
- id: oca-gen-addon-icon
- --addons-dir=.