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- Distro: Arch Linux
- Compositor: Hyprland
- Notifications: Dunst
- Wallpapers: Swaybg
- Terminal: Alacritty
- File Manager: Thunar
- Editor: NeoVim
- Browser: Firefox / Google Chrome
- Shell: Fish
- Media Player: Mpv
- App Laucher: Rofi
- Font: Souce Code Pro
This script is not well written. Any small inconsistency can break its logic, and the only way out of the situation is to edit the config files manually. I wrote it primarily for myself, and for my use case it will work just fine. If you want to use it for yourself and noticed an error while using it - open a pull request and describe the problem, or if you solved it yourself - feel free to share the corrected code. Thank you!
- Gruvbox Dark
- Gruvbox Light
- Rose Pine
- Catppuccin Mocha
- Catppuccin Latte
- Nord
- Dracula
Will I add new themes? Maybe. But again, I wrote this script for myself and its further development depends solely on my desire
Install AUR helper (if not installed):
git clone -q https://aur.archlinux.org/yay
cd yay
makepkg -si --noconfirm
Install needed dependencies:
yay -Syu --needed --noconfirm $(cat DEPENDENCIES)