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Nosto Hydrogen V2 Demo Storefront

Using Nosto Checkout Extensions Without Pixel

To integrate Nosto checkout extensions without using the pixel, it is necessary to track the cart token as soon as a product is added to the cart. This can be achieved on the frontend using useEffect in React:

useEffect(() => {
  checkTokenToCustomer(cart?._data?.id, header?.shop?.id);
}, [cart?._data?.id]);
  • cart?._data?.id represents the cart token.
  • header?.shop?.id represents the shop ID. If you want to use this on markets, you also need to get the market and locale information. The format should be: shopify-{shop_id}-{market_id}-{locale}.

Updating the Cart Token with the Session ID

To ensure that the cart token is correctly linked to a session ID, use the following function:

export async function checkTokenToCustomer(
) {
  let customerId = providedCustomerId || getCookie('2c.cId');
  const cartToken = cartIdGid?.replace('gid://shopify/Cart/', '');
  //For market shopId should be different and should contain market and locale info mentioned below
  const shopId = shopIdGid?.replace('gid://shopify/Shop/', 'shopify-');

  if (!customerId || !cartToken || !shopId) return;

  const NOSTO_URL = `${shopId}/${customerId}/${cartToken}`;

  try {
    await fetch(NOSTO_URL);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Nosto: error updating cart:', err);

The session ID is stored in the browser cookies under 2c.cId, which can be retrieved using:

function getCookie(name) {
  const value = `; ${document?.cookie}`;
  if (value) {
    const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`);
    return parts.length === 2 ? parts.pop().split(';').shift() : null;
  return null;

Handling Buy Now Functionality

If the store has a "Buy Now" feature that redirects users directly to checkout, it is essential to call checkTokenToCustomer before redirection. The session ID should be extracted from cookies and passed along with the cart token and shop ID:

if (inputs.redirectToCheckout === true) {
  const {shop} = await context.storefront.query(ROBOTS_QUERY);
  const cookies = request.headers.get('Cookie') || '';
  const sessionId =
      .find((cookie) => cookie.trim().startsWith('2c.cId='))
      ?.split('=')[1] || null;

  await checkTokenToCustomer(,, sessionId);
  status = 303;
  headers.set('Location', result.cart.checkoutUrl);

This ensures that Nosto correctly associates the cart token with the session ID, even when users proceed directly to checkout.


  • Track the cart token when a product is added to the cart using useEffect.
  • Link the cart token to the session ID using checkTokenToCustomer.
  • Retrieve the session ID from cookies using getCookie('2c.cId').
  • Ensure the cart token is updated before checkout in "Buy Now" flows.

By implementing these steps, you can fully integrate Nosto without requiring the pixel, ensuring accurate cart tracking and personalization for users.


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