Enide: will you love me forever?
Moved from https://github.com/PaulVI/eclipse-node-ide to https://github.com/Nodeclipse/eclipse-node-ide .
Check Nodeclipse team blog for latest updates.
Eclipse Node IDE is set of plugins for Eclipse IDE to help you with Node.js development. The core plugin is Nodeclipse-1 (sources), that is responsible for creation and debugging of Node.js applications. Other plugins list you can see during installation or below.
Install all plugins for Node.js development in one sequence, with only one restart.
Included plugins are:
- Nodeclipse 0.3.1
- Chrome Development Tools, fixed for debugging Node.js
- MarkDown (*.md) Editor (Optional)
- GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) Viewer (Optional)
- Eclipse 3.x Color Theme (Optional, recommended with Aptana)
- Eclipse 4.x Chrome Theme (Optional)
- JSHint Eclipse Integration (Optional)
- StartExplorer (Optional)
- RestClient Tool (Optional)
For Shell Script support (see Hints.md)
Check out great article and watch video. (Go to 2:00 time to skip installation and see how to work within Eclipse.)
See also Hints.md for
Just import "ENodeIDE.p2f" file provided.
Also can be downloaded from Eclipse Marketplace here.
Firefox: File Save Page As
Google Chrome: Ctrl + S
Internet Explorer: File Save as
File -> Import \ Install Software Items from File
Note: if it fails for any reason, you can still install plugins that you need one by one.
Just use repository location=
value as update site in Help -> Install New Software.
- Get latest Eclipse from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/.
Recommended is Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Juno (4.2) SR2, that contains Eclipse web tools.
(I have also succeeded to install on
- Eclipse for Testers, the smallest Eclipse distribution, just 95 MB.
- Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.2.0.RELEASE
- See Tested platforms )
It comes already with EGit, so you already have tool to work with GitHub or any git server.
Get NodeIDE.p2f and save it.
Then in Eclipse File -> Import \ Install Software Items from File
- Select file and items you want to install.
- Review and confirm installed items.
After installation you have more icons in Help -> About Eclipse
Some recommended configuration (These steps are needed for every new workspace):
Switch to Node perspective (e.g. Window -> Open Perspective -> Other ... -> Node)
Create new Node project Alt+Shift+N (File -> New -> Project ..)
Create new Express project Alt+Shift+N (File -> New -> Project ..)
The most up-to-date online help is at https://github.com/Nodeclipse/org.nodeclipse.help/tree/master/contents
Code assist, Outline, Markdown support
Copyright (C) 2013, by Paul Verest at Funshion.com for/within Nodeclipse
You can do whatever you want with this projects as long as you keep this license notice.
Current version is 0.4, the same as Nodeclipse-1. New project development home is Nodeclipse organization You can help by developing used plugins, or proposing new plugins/components.
Help needed! Please contact if you want to help or know anything helpful for JavaScript Development in Eclipse.
Reminder: This project is set of plugins, if you have question about functioning of a plugin, please look for the project contacts.
- How do I? -- StackOverflow!
- I got this error, why? -- StackOverflow!
- I got this error and I'm sure it's a bug -- file an issue!
- I have an idea/request -- file an issue!
- Why do you? -- the mailing list!
- When will you? -- the mailing list!
Should you report a bug, please include the following:
- Eclipse version number (like 4.2.2 or 3.8.0)
- A detailed description of the steps necessary to reproduce the problem.
- The '.log' file from the directory '.metadata' in your workspace.
Eclipse Node.js IDE (Enide) by [Paul Verest](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Enide - Question &body=I have pressed link in README.md&attachment="c:\a.bmp")
Node.js framework developers, please help us to support your framework with Nodeclipse and Eclipse Node.js IDE.
If you want to contribute and actively work together, then [email](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Enide - Development
&body=I want to contribute to Eclipse Node.js IDE&attachment="c:\a.bmp")
Skype pverest
QQ 908781544
In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse Node.js IDE, please use the tag "#enide"
in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the project!
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