Toy Language is a Java-based language interpreter that allows you to perform various operations like variable declaration, relational, boolean and arithmetic operations, conditionals, loops, file I/O, references, parallel execution and barriers with a GUI built using JavaFX.
Variable Declaration: You can declare variables with the help of its type keyword followed by the variable name and value.
Relational, Boolean and Arithmetic Operations: You can perform relational, boolean and arithmetic operations on variables and constants.
Conditionals and Loops: You can use if, else and while statements to create conditional and loop structures.
File I/O: You can perform file input/output operations to read and write data to files.
References: You can allocate heap memory to store values in variables with the help of the new keyword.
Parallel Execution: You can perform parallel execution using the fork keyword which creates a new process.
Barriers: You can synchronize parallel processes using barriers with the help of the NewBarrier and await keywords.