Nekumo allows you to work with your files anywhere. Using Nekumo is very easy: run it in a directory and share your files with the world.
$ nekumo /directory/to/serve Welcome to Nekumo Cloud! Your personal cloud. Serving: /directory/to/serve/ (FS) Interfaces on use: (AngularWeb)
$ pip install nekumo
- Open, move, copy and delete files.
- Thumbnails for your files without opening them.
- Preview files (audio, video, image).
- Send videos to Chromecast.
- Changes are displayed in real time (Websockets) including changes made by external programs.
- Modern Angular Material responsive web interface.
- Tests.
- Users and permissions.
- Openstack Gateway.
- Search.
- Upload files.
- Download multiple files.
- Text and sourcecode editor.