.NET wrapper for Yahoo finance apis from https://www.yahoofinanceapi.com/
This library is a simple wrapper for https://www.yahoofinanceapi.com/ apis written in .NET. This library exposes the class YahooFinanceApiManager and its methods:
- GetFinanceQuote
- GetFinanceOptions
- GetFinanceSpark
- GetFinanceQuoteSummary
- GetFinanceChart
- GetFinanceRecommendationsBySymbol
- GetFinanceScreener
- GetFinanceInsights
- GetFinanceAutocomplete
- GetFinanceQuoteMarketSummary
- GetFinanceTrending
Each method listed above has also a Raw counterpart (ex. GetFinanceQuoteRaw) from which you can retrieve the raw HttpResponse.
All you need to do is register at https://www.yahoofinanceapi.com/ , grab an api key and initialize your YahooFinanceApiManager with that key. After that you can call your methods and... that's all. You just got your market data.
If you have some bug to report or improvements to suggest let me know.