In short: This is the interface between NUM-Compass (which uses FHIR Questionnaires) and NUM-CODEX RDP platform (which uses the FHIR GECCO Profiles).
This project consists of three components, which can also be used on their own:
- compass-download-kotlin: A JVM implementation, that basically does the same as the Python downloader. It downloads and decrypted the queue items from the backend.
- gecco-easy: A set of template functions, that can be used to fill easier the GECCO profiles.
- gecco-questionnaire: Defines a logical model for gecco and creates the reference Questionnaire from that, also contains code to extract the GECCO Profiles from the logical model.
The LogicalModel (
) is introspected via reflection to generate a reference Questionnaire,
from which the items can be edited or copied into another Questionnaire, preferably the
questionnare editor Healex developed for Compass. The relation
to the LogicalModel is preserved in the
This is extension should be also available on the items on the resulting QuestionnaireResponse by the EDC app. At the moment, as a temporary solution, this component will copy the extensions from the Questionnaire in FHIR.
The extension is used to fill the LogicalModel, the LogicalModel can be converted into a Bundle of FHIR resources conforming to the GECCO profiles.
⚠You need to use at least Java 21 or newer!
Download .jar file from GitHub's releases page and execute:
java -jar compass-interface-codex-1.0.1-all.jar
--serverUrl ""
--apiId test
--apiKey gKdKLYG2g0-Y1EllI0-W
--privateKey private_key.pem
--publicKey public_key.pem
--certificate cacert.pem
--targetFhirRepository https://localhost:8082/fhir
--basicAuth username:password
--questionnairesFolder ./questionnaires
--outDir ./out
The --targetFhirRepository
is required even if you don't use any of the --upload[...]
options, because it is required
to generate resource IDs.
This script does the following:
foreach queueItem of compassServer.retrieveAllQueueItems():
questionnaireResponse <- decrypt(queueItem)
if --uploadQuestionnaireResponses is set:
questionnaire <- retrieveQuestionnaireFromCompassServer(questionnaireResponse.questionnaire)
copyItemExtension(questionnaireResponse, questionnaire)
logicalModel <- mapQuestionnaireResponseToLogicalModel(questionnaireResponse)
bundle <- mapLogicalModelToGeccoProfiles(logicalModel)
if --outDir is set:
if --uploadBundle is set:
if --uploadBundleEntries is set:
foreach entry in bundle:
if --uploadQuestionnaires is set:
foreach questionnaire retrieved from server:
Instead of retrieving the Questionnaire from compass-numapp-backend,
you can define a folder with JSON Questionnaires using the --questionnairesFolder
and --uploadBundleEntries
differ in the way the resources will be sent to the FHIR server:
The --uploadBundle
option puts the entire Bundle as a single resource under the /Bundle
endpoint of the FHIR API, so
that one can query the QuestionnaireResponse's conversion result using GET /Bundle/{QueueItemUUID}
, while the
option puts all the bundle's entries under their corresponding endpoints (like /Patient
, /Observation
, ...).
With --uploadQuestionnaires
, the component also inserts the used Questionnaires into the FHIR repository. This way,
you can use the Import Questionnaire...
function of
the FhirExtinguisher
more conveniently.
By default, the component creates a document-Bundle, which contains
Composition, Device and Organization resources as required for the validator. With the --noComposition
option, you can
create a
transaction-Bundle containing only the GECCO resources instead.
If you want to use the fhir-bridge endpoint instead of a traditional FHIR
repository, please use only the --uploadBundleEntries
and the --noComposition
If you want to deploy the compass-interface as part of the CODEX RDP platform, please use the Helm Charts.
To be more flexible, you can easily set up an IDE for Kotlin development (I recommend IntelliJ Community), checkout this
repository and edit src/main/kotlin/custom-main.kt
. To execute, you could use either the IDE or the command
./gradlew :run -PmainClass=Custom_mainKt --args='your args go here if any'
. If you want to create an executable .jar,
run ./gradlew shadowJar
after renaming your custom-main.kt
to main.kt
- Rename
and edit accordingly. - Execute
docker build -t compass-interface-codex . && docker run --env-file .env compass-interface-codex
You can also pull & deploy the Docker image from Docker Hub.
are interchangeable, just ask for one value in the Questionnaire, the other values will be calculated.- if
, ..., are set to "NO" or "UNKNOWN", resources will be emitted, which set all corresponding diseases to "NO" or " UNKNOWN".
- Johannes Oehm | (+49) 251 / 83-5 82 47 | [email protected]