imageupload Directive for AngularJS
heavly inspired from
<input type="file" accept="image/*" image="image"/>
<img ng-show="image" ng-src="{{image.url}}" type="{{image.file.type}}" />
The image object has the following properties:
- file
- url
- dataURL
<input type="file" accept="image/*" image="image2"
resize-quality="0.7" />
Original <img ng-show="image2" ng-src="{{image2.url}}" type="{{image2.file.type}}" />
Resized <img ng-show="image2" ng-src="{{image2.resized.dataURL}}" />
The image object has the following properties:
- file
- url
- dataURL
- resized
- dataURL
- type
<input type="file" accept="image/*" multiple
resize-quality="0.7" />
Originals <img ng-repeat="img in images" ng-src="{{img.url}}" type="{{img.file.type}}" />
Resized <img ng-repeat="img in images" ng-src="{{img.resized.dataURL}}" />
When used with multiple the image object is always an array of objects with the following properties:
- file
- url
- dataURL
- resized
- dataURL
- type
See demo.html for more concrete examples.
- resize-quality (default is 0.7)
- resize-type (default is 'image/jpg')
- resize-max-height (default is 300)
- resize-max-width (default is 250)
- Upload Image with FileReader
- Resize Image via canvas
- Send Image Data URL (base64) to whatever you want.
git clone
cd angularjs-imageupload-directive
npm install
node app.js
open http://localhost:8080
- angular-1.1.4
Testimage: 4320x3240 4.22 MB, Resized (70% jpg): 320x270
- Chrome 24 (Windows 8), Size: 9.3 KB
- Chrome Canary 27 (Windows 8), Size: 9.3 KB
- Firefox 18 (Windows 8), Size: 23.5 KB
- Internet Explorer 10 (Windows 8), Size: 9.06 KB
- filesize can vary from Browser to Browser.
- Use NgModelController instead of image attribute
- Create bower compatible repository (component.json, tags, etc.)
- Match angular-component-spec when it becomes available
- Clear image property when Form has been reset
- Create Unit Tests