More information about KQueen Architecture and use cases is described in RATIONALE file.
- Python v3.6 and higher.
- Pip v3 and higher.
- Docker stable release (v17.03 and higher is preferable).
- Docker-compose stable release (v1.16.0 and higher is preferable).
Make sure you can reach Jenkins server defined in JENKINS_API_URL variable in file kqueen/config/
Run these commands to run Kqueen API and UI in containers.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.demo.yml up
or with mounted etcd data directory:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.etcd-volume.yml -f docker-compose.demo.yml up
You can login using user admin and password default. Default username and password can be changed in docker-compose.demo.yml file before first start of API.
Navigate to UI
Install dependencies
# Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev # RedHat/CentOS: sudo yum install python-devel openldap-devel
Prepare python virtual environment
python -m ensurepip --default-pip pip install --user pipenv pipenv --python 3.6 pipenv install --dev pipenv shell
Start docker container with etcd storage
docker-compose up -d
Initialize kqueen db: add admin user with default password
./ DemoOrg demoorg admin default
Create directories to store Kqueen data and log files
mkdir - m 666 /var/log/kqueen-api mkdir - m 666 /opt/kqueen
Install kubespray or provide path to the existing installation by specifying
in the config file
git clone -b v2.5.0 && \ pip install -r kubespray/requirements.txt
You can start KQueen API service directly
kqueen & chrome --new-tab
Prepare kubernetes config file
Kubernetes configuration file that describes existing cluster can be used in Kqueen. Rename it with kubernetes_remote and place to the root of the project. For test purposes this file can be empty, but should be added manually.
Clean etcd storage after previous runs
etcdctl rm --recursive /kqueen
Add admin user, organization, mock clusters and provisioners to etcd storage at once, execute the following
To add a single admin user with default password within associated DemoOrg organization in provided demoorg namespace, execute the following
./ DemoOrg demoorg admin default
Test access token. curl, jq should be installed in your system
TOKEN=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username":"admin","password":"default"}' -X POST localhost:5000/api/v1/auth | jq -r '.access_token') echo $TOKEN curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" localhost:5000/api/v1/clusters
Set up flask shell for manual testing and debugging
export FLASK_APP=kqueen.server export prometheus_multiproc_dir=$(mktemp -d) flask shell
Update Docker image with code changes
There are two ways to test development changes. First is automatic: create a separate branch and push PR, then TravisCI build image and push it on Docker Hub automatically. Second one is just rebuild kqueen api-image locally:
docker build -t kqueen/api:your_tag .
We load configuration from file config/
by default and this
can be configured by KQUEEN_CONFIG_FILE
environment variable. Any
environment variable matching name KQUEEN_*
will be loaded and saved
to configuration.
Full documentation can be found at
API reference is defined at api.yml
and Swagger UI is available at <kqueen_api_url>/api/docs
Generic KQueen Overview
AKS (Azure) in KQueen
Network policy management in KQueen
The following video provides an overview on how to manage the Calico network policy for a Kubernetes cluster provisioned with Google Kubernetes Engine using KQueen.