├── public/
│ ├── images/
│ │ ├── anythingllm-setup/
│ │ ├── cloud/
│ │ ├── faq/
│ │ ├── features/
│ │ ├── getting-started/
│ │ ├── guides/
│ │ ├── home/
│ │ ├── legal/
│ │ ├── product/
│ │ └── thumbnails/
│ ├── favicon.png
│ ├── licence.txt
│ └── robots.txt
├── pages/
│ ├── agent/
│ ├── api/
│ ├── changelog/
│ ├── cloud/
│ ├── features/
│ ├── installation/
│ ├── setup/
│ ├── _meta.json
│ └── index.mdx
├── components/
│ └── icons/
├── next-env.d.ts
├── next.config.js
├── package.json
├── pull-request-template.md
├── README.md
├── theme.config.tsx
└── tsconfig.json
- Clone this Repository to your local machine using git clone:
git clone https://github.com/Mintplex-Labs/anythingllm-docs.git
- Install dependencies using yarn:
- Start the development server:
yarn dev
- Create issue
- Create PR with branch name format of
<issue number>-<short name>
- yee haw let's merge
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
special thanks to @ShadowArcanist for the migration to NextJS