A Github Action to deploy previews of Pull Requests to GKE via Moleculer Helm Package 🚀
Deploy previews
- build docker image + tag with meta preview tags
- publish docker image to container registry
- create an external IP address
- create a DNS.
- deploy chart / preview in Kubernetes
- add a preview comment to pull request with link to preview
This action is (currently) tightly coupled to the following set of tools.
- Kubernetes cluster (GKE)
- GCP token for authentication
- google registery as container registry (could work with others, but not tested)
- Domain zone hosted on Google cloud
- Moleculer app
- Dockerfile for the application
name: "deploy-pr"
types: [opened, edited, reopened, synchronize]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: deploy-pr
- uses: knawat/github-actions-deploy-moleculer@main
SERVICES: {api,products}
SERVICEDIR: build/services
MONGO_URI: '${{ secrets.MONGO_URI }}' //should include it between ''
BASE_URL: api.example.com //The gateway URL of your app, the deployment PR URL will be 'pr-[PR_NUMBER].[BASE_URL]'
HELM_SET: ${{ secrets.HELM_SET }} //To include any other application env var (environment.env.VAR1=VAL1)
# GCP Configuration
DNS_ZONE_NAME: 'EXAMPLE-COM' //It's the cloud DNS Zone name not the DNS name (P.S. DNS name is example.com)
GCP_PROJECT: 'example-project'
GCP_JSON_KEY: ${{ secrets.GCP_JSON_KEY }}
#K8S Configuration
CLUSTER_NAME: "cluster-dev"
CLUSTER_LOCATION: "us-central1-c"
#GitHub Configuration
If the SERVICES conatins API service, it will create:
- External IP: "RepoName"-"PR_Number"-pr so, for example: I'm working on a repo name: "knawat/app" and I created a PR (263), the IP will create with the following name: app-263-pr
- DNS: pr-"PR_Number"."BASE_URL" so, if I set the BASE_URL=api.knawat.io in the env, the DNS will create with the following name: pr-263.api.knawat.io and it's point to the previous IP address.
- For moleculer helm package will create the ingress.
If you need to add environment variables to your application you can use HELM_SET variable:
HELM_SET: environment.env.VAR1=VAL1,environment.env.VAR2=VAL2
If you need to enable molecler Lab:
If you need to change the transporter use by the application:
TRANSPORTER: nats://nats:4222
Variable | Description | Default value | Required |
HELM_RELEASE_NAME | The helm release name to deploy. | [REPO_NAME]-[PR_Number]-pr | NO |
HELM_RELEASE_NAMESPACE | The namespace of helm release, in which k8s namespace. It will create a new one if not exists. | [REPO_NAME]-[PR_Number]-pr | NO |
DOCKER_FILE | The location of your docker file to build the image, usually it's in the root directory of your application. | Dockerfile | NO |
DOCKER_REGISTRY | Docker image registry. where you want to save your build image. Defaults to GCP container registry | gcr.io | YES |
IMAGE_REPO_NAME | Image repo name in the image registery | myImageRepo | YES |
IMAGE_TAGS | Your build image tag. it's good to use $GITHUB_SHA | latest | NO |
CONTAINER_NAME | The container name that should deploy to the k8s cluster | myApp | NO |
TRANSPORTER | he transporter for the moleculer application | tcp | NO |
SERVICES | The name of the moleculer services you want to deploy, it should between {} | '' | NO |
SERVICEDIR | The name of the moleculer services directory | build/services | NO |
MONGO_URI | The DB connection string | '' | YES |
BASE_URL | Your app base URL,Let's assume that your app gateway URL is 'api.example.com', and you want to create a PR deployment using this action, so the deployment PR URL will be 'pr-[PR_NUMBER].[BASE_URL]' (pr-1.api.example.com) | api.example.com | YES |
CRON_ENABLED | If you have a cron in your application and you want to add it to moleculer helm package, you can enable it here and add it's configuration in HELM_SET. | false | NO |
LABORATORY_ENABLED | If you don't have the lab service installed in your app, you should disable this option to not installing the lab service in k8s. | true | NO |
INGRESS_ENABLED | If you don't have the api gateway service in your app, you should disable this to aviod install the api service in k8s and avoid install the ingress. | true | NO |
MOLECULER_APM_ENABLE | The moleculer laboratory for your application. | 0 | NO |
AGENT_TOKEN | The moleculer lab agent token for the moleculer laboratory. | someSecret | NO |
AGENT_APIKEY | The moleculer lab API key for the moleculer laboratory | someSecret | NO |
HELM_SET | Additional helm values to set environment variables (corresponds to helm upgrade --set ). Should have format environment.env.VAR1=VAL1,environment.env.VAR2=VAL2. |
NO | |
GCP_PROJECT | The ID of your project on Google Cloud. | example-project | YES |
PORTGCP_JSON_KEY | The auth token to authenticate with your GCloud Project. | YES | |
CLUSTER_NAME | The K8S cluster name. | example-cluster | YES |
CLUSTER_LOCATION | The K8S cluster location on GCP. | us-central-01 | YES |
DNS_ZONE_NAME | Your DNS Zone Name in GCP Cloud DNS,It's the cloud DNS Zone name not the DNS name (P.S. DNS name is example.com)" | xample-com | YES |
GITHUB_TOKEN | Your GitHub token, you can get it from this GitHub environment variable ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} by default. | YES |
Variable | Description | Value |
HELM_NOTE | The helm release notes. | Release Name, Last Deployed, Namespace, Status, Revision, Test Suite, Notes |
LAB_IP_ADDRESS | The namespace of helm release, in which k8s namespace. It will create a new one if not exists. | IP Address |
Variable | Default Value |
NODE_ENV | development |
PORT | 3000 |
LOGGER | Laboratory |
LOGLEVEL | info |
CACHER | memory |
For reference you can visit the helm package repo from here.