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Cosmons Frontend


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.1.7.

Development server

Change your Contract addresses in environment.ts and

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


⚠️ Blockchain is outdated. Deploy contracts on live networks:

For a live demo visit

  • Use Chrome Browser
  • Install Keplr Extension
  • Create or Import your Account/Wallet within Keplr Extension (Click on "Keplr" in your Browser Extension Dropdown Menu)
  • Reload this site and allow to connect your Keplr account with hackatom-wasm blockchain (Click "Approve")
  • Click an "Keplr" extension again and check your current selected Chain. It must be "hackatom-wasm" rather than "cosmos"
  • Get some COSM Token from official Faucet. Scroll down to CosmWasm paste your address from Keplr and click 'Send Tokens'
  • Click on "Keplr" again and check if you received 10COSM Token (wait a few seconds)
  • To buy a NFT Monster on Marketplace you need some CW-20 Token in addtion to the COSM Token
  • Go to the CW-20 Faucet and paste the same address as before to the input field and press "Request CW-20 Tokens"
  • Your CW-20 Tokenbalance is 100
  • Go to Marketplace and look out for Monsterofferings
  • Is a Monster listed for sale you can buy it (follow the steps in Keplr pop-up window). If you bought a Monster you should see your Wallet address in the Owner Parameter listed below (scroll down on this site)
  • Now you're ready play the Battle
  • Click on "Battle"
  • Choose attacker monster address "monster112awrcsx" or your Monster/NFT ID
  • Choose defender monster address "monster112sarcsb"
  • Click "Battle !!!" (follow the steps in Keplr pop-up window)
  • If you dont like your Monster anymore you can sell it on Marketplace
  • If nobody want to buy your offered Monster you can withdraw it back

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.