Releases: Make-md/makemd
Releases Β· Make-md/makemd
- Aggregate and Relation now properly sync and display in inline context
- Aggregated Values now properly show up as the correct type
- Two-way Relations now properly sync data in properties
- Adding a date in a date property now default to no time
- Not having a required property set in a view now shows a warning
- Start and End Time properties now can only be set to date type
- Pressing Enter on a new table view creation cell now keeps focus
- Repeat field will now be enforced to the special repeat type
- Repeat options can now be set inside the day/week/month view by hovering over an event
- Added ability to tag non-markdown files
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with metadata not being saved to markdown frontmatter
- Fixed a crash when repeat events have unknown values
- Creating a new note in a list view now no longer adds an undefined property
- Fixed multiple placeholders and labels that were incorrect
- Cleaned up the design of detail, card, board, catalog and gallery views
- Fields other than object type now show up in detail, card and board views, use hide property to hide which ones to show
- Turning off context setting no longer turns off inline context
- Added ability to change the source table for the list view in view options
Bug Fixes
- Fixed adding properties in inline context not adding to a space
- Added Setting to override context menu for Navigator to the Obsidian menu
- Added Start Date option for Day View, Week View and Month View
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Blink filters and preview not showing up
- Fixed not being able to open items in Blink
- Restored behaviour of breadcrumbs when Compatibility Mode is off
- Prevent a crash due to type mismatch
- Fixed not being able to filter and sort by tags in contexts
- Options for Option type properties can now be edited from the property menu
- Added option to fill options for Option type properties
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash on day view and month view when the date is an invalid date
- Fixed settings not being able to be saved and text fields losing focus
- Fixed a crash when adding an existing property that's type option
- Added checks to prevent tags from having two hashtags
Important Upcoming Change
The Basic markdown features (Flow Blocks) are now available as a separate beta plug-in at (, these features will be removed from once the plug-in is finalized and published.
- When sorting by name, numbers will now be properly sorted if it's in the name
- Improved performance when editing notes
- Added Note Preview setting which will now be off by default for performance reasons
- Added Edit Stickers in Navigator to toggle whether clicking on a sticker edits it
- Added ability to access Obsidian native file menu in the Navigator
- Cleaned up and reorganized Navigator menu options
- Tag field now properly works for tables that are not the default context table
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with adding existing properties not working
- Fixed a crash on the calendar month view
- Fixed a crash with tags field for non-context tables
- Fixed an issue where repositioning the banner saves to the wrong note
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash if previous to 1.0 a setting called Flow (Beta) was turned off
- Fixed an issue when embedding tag context views
- Fixed jankiness related to cover image repositioning
- Fixed folder note showing Select Note as well as Note Creation when a note doesn't exist for some spaces
- Blink setting now respects all space/link selection, if you're having issues with Blink, you can turn off the setting and use the regular search
- Blink now properly respects background search setting for non filter based searches
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash related to indexing
- Fixed cover image not showing up for cards and catalog views
1.0.0 1.0 Release
- Thank you for continued support and feedback from the community in helping us get to 1.0.
- A new Get Started guide has been included when you first launch 1.0 to walk you through the features Basics
- Introducing basics, a standalone plug-in for helping you edit your markdown notes.
- All features that were from for editing markdown will be moving to basics. Including Inline Styler, Make Menu and Flow Blocks
- No dependency on
- Stay tuned for more information
- Removed dependencies of flow blocks for core features
- Mobile side panels are no longer modified by default and can now be toggled on in a new setting
- Cover photos now have its own setting
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with time picker reseting when picking a new date
- Fixed issue with calendar day views not properly showing end time
- Fixed issue with calendar day items minimal height
- Fixed a potential crash when contexts have empty fields
- Fixed a performance issue for large vaults due to folder notes