- Processing 1.5.1: http://processing.org/download/
GSVideo 1.0.0: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gsvideo/files/gsvideo/1.0/
GLGraphics 1.0.0: http://sourceforge.net/projects/glgraphics/files/glgraphics/1.0/
ControlP5 1.5.2: http://code.google.com/p/controlp5/downloads/list
JSON4Processing 1.3.1: https://github.com/MAKIO135/JSON-processing
Videos used in the demo are from Beeple
First, add your videos inside /data/videos folder. It will automatically create playlist and check if thumbnails exist or need to be created.
The Sequencer works in 3 steps/parts:
- - Clips: choose a video, modify its settings and add the created clip to a chosen Layer.
- Layers: a succession of clips playing one after another, you can modify each layer settings and choose a delay before playing Layer.
- Composition: all the Layers playing at the same time (after their launch delay is met) with the blendMode chosen for the current clip of each Layer.
The Clip Editor allows you to edit Clip settings like:
- - play mode: loop or play-playback
- number of repetition (loop 1 = play once, you need 2 for play-playback)
- how fast/slow the movie should be run
- position XY
- scale
- opacity
- blendmode
- custom fade in and fade out
- choice of VideoLayer to add the clip to
A videoLayer is defined as an array clips playing successively.
The Layer Editor allows you to edit each Layer settings like:
- - position XY
- scale
- opacity
- custom fade in and fade out
- delay before playing first clip of the Layer
- -GLSL BlendModes behavior regarding Opacity of the 2 Layers mixed