With this app you can create a Slack bot and enable interactivity with the Slash Commands. It can recieve slash commands and send message or files with the Slack client API.
First, install slack_command_bot (warning: this component has not been officially approved on the lightning gallery):
lightning install component git+https://github.com/Lightning-AI/LAI-slack-messenger.git@main
Once the app is installed, use it in an app:
from slack_command_bot import SlackCommandBot
import lightning as L
import slack
from flask import request
class DemoSlackCommandBot(SlackCommandBot):
def handle_command(self):
"""Customize this method the way you want your bot to interact with the prompt."""
client = slack.WebClient(token=self.bot_token)
data: dict = request.form
channel_id = data["channel_id"]
client.chat_postMessage(text="testing post msg", channel=channel_id)
return "Hey there! command was received successfully", 200
class LitApp(L.LightningFlow):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.slack_bot = DemoSlackCommandBot(command="/LAIcommand")
def run(self):
"this is a simple Lightning app to verify your component is working as expected"
app = L.LightningApp(LitApp())