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This branch is 673 commits behind bradymholt/cron-expression-descriptor:master.

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Cron Expression Descriptor

A .NET library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings.

Original Author: Brady Holt (
Contributors: Renato Lima, Ivan Santos, Fabien Brooke
License: MIT


  • Supports all cron expression special characters including * / , - ? L W, #.
  • Supports 5, 6 (w/ seconds or year), or 7 (w/ seconds and year) part cron expressions.
  • Provides casing options (Sentence, Title, Lower, etc.)
  • Localization

Languages Available


Cron Expression Descriptor releases can be installed with NuGet. Visit the NuGet Package page for more info.

View Releases for release version history.

Usage Examples (as Unit Tests)

    public void TestEveryMinute()
       Assert.AreEqual("Every minute", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * *"));

    public void TestEvery1Minute()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/1 * * * *"));
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0/1 * * * ?"));

    public void TestEveryHour()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every hour", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0 * * * ?"));
        Assert.AreEqual("Every hour", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0 0/1 * * ?"));

    public void TestTimeOfDayCertainDaysOfWeek()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 23 ? * MON-FRI"));

    public void TestEverySecond()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every second", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * *"));

    public void TestEvery45Seconds()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every 45 seconds", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/45 * * * * *"));

    public void TestEvery5Minutes()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every 05 minutes", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/5 * * * *"));
        Assert.AreEqual("Every 10 minutes", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0/10 * * * ?"));

    public void TestEvery5MinutesOnTheSecond()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every 05 minutes", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 */5 * * * *"));

    public void TestWeekdaysAtTime()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 11:30 AM, Monday through Friday", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 11 * * 1-5"));

    public void TestDailyAtTime()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 11:30 AM", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 11 * * *"));

    public void TestMinuteSpan()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute between 11:00 AM and 11:10 AM", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0-10 11 * * *"));

    public void TestOneMonthOnly()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute, only in March", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * 3 *"));

    public void TestTwoMonthsOnly()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute, only in March and June", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * 3,6 *"));

    public void TestTwoTimesEachAfternoon()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 02:30 PM and 04:30 PM", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 14,16 * * *"));

    public void TestThreeTimesDaily()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 06:30 AM, 02:30 PM and 04:30 PM", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 6,14,16 * * *"));

    public void TestOnceAWeek()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 09:46 AM, only on Monday", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("46 9 * * 1"));

    public void TestDayOfMonth()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, on day 15 of the month", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 15 * *"));

    public void TestMonthName()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, only in January", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN *"));

    public void TestDayOfMonthWithQuestionMark()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, only in January", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 ? JAN *"));

    public void TestMonthNameRange2()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, January through February", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-FEB *"));

    public void TestMonthNameRange3()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, January through March", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-MAR *"));

    public void TestDayOfWeekName()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, only on Sunday", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * * SUN"));

    public void TestDayOfWeekRange()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every 05 minutes, at 03:00 PM, Monday through Friday", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/5 15 * * MON-FRI"));

    public void TestDayOfWeekOnceInMonth()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute, on the third Monday of the month", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * MON#3"));

    public void TestLastDayOfTheWeekOfTheMonth()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute, on the last Thursday of the month", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * 4L"));

    public void TestLastDayOfTheMonth()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every 05 minutes, on the last day of the month, only in January", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/5 * L JAN *"));

    public void TestTimeOfDayWithSeconds()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 02:02:30 PM", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 02 14 * * *"));

    public void TestSecondInternvals()
        Assert.AreEqual("Seconds 05 through 10 past the minute", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("5-10 * * * * *"));

    public void TestSecondMinutesHoursIntervals()
        Assert.AreEqual("Seconds 05 through 10 past the minute, minutes 30 through 35 past the hour, between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("5-10 30-35 10-12 * * *"));

    public void TestEvery5MinutesAt30Seconds()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 30 seconds past the minute, every 05 minutes", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 */5 * * * *"));

    public void TestMinutesPastTheHourRange()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 30 minutes past the hour, between 10:00 AM and 01:00 PM, only on Wednesday and Friday", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 30 10-13 ? * WED,FRI"));

    public void TestSecondsPastTheMinuteInterval()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 10 seconds past the minute, every 05 minutes", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("10 0/5 * * * ?"));

    public void TestBetweenWithInterval()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every 03 minutes, minutes 02 through 59 past the hour, at 01:00 AM, 09:00 AM, and 10:00 PM, between day 11 and 26 of the month, January through June", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("2-59/3 1,9,22 11-26 1-6 ?"));

    public void TestRecurringFirstOfMonth()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 06:00 AM", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0 6 1/1 * ?"));

    public void TestMinutesPastTheHour()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 05 minutes past the hour", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 5 0/1 * * ?"));

    public void TestOneYearOnlyWithSeconds()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every second, only in 2013", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * * 2013"));
    public void TestOneYearOnlyWithoutSeconds()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute, only in 2013", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * 2013"));

    public void TestTwoYearsOnly()
        Assert.AreEqual("Every minute, only in 2013 and 2014", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * 2013,2014"));

    public void TestYearRange2()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, January through February, 2013 through 2014", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-FEB * 2013-2014"));

    public void TestYearRange3()
        Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, January through March, 2013 through 2015", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-MAR * 2013-2015"));


A .NET library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings.







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  • C# 97.7%
  • Ruby 2.3%