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Jussi Saarivirta edited this page Feb 16, 2019 · 2 revisions


This library is an extension to NSwag, specifically a SwaggerGenerator implementation designed for Azure Functions. This implementation has the necessary discovery methods to scan assemblies for Functions and the library adds new annotations that allows you to generate Swagger documentation from the expected Function parameters and return values.

Additionally the Swagger Generator supports the AzureFunctionsV2.HttpExtensions library without any extra developer effort promoting Azure Functions to a first class Swagger citizen, with Function parameters picked up from function signatures automatically and the additional attribute-based authorization schemes supported and documented automatically. No extra annotations are necessary excluding any additional information you wish to convey via the old and new Swagger annotations.


  • Enables you to generate Swagger Documents out of Azure Function classes
  • Provides the necessary new method level annotations to produce the parameter level documentation when HttpExtensions are not used
  • Supports AzureFunctionsV2.HttpExtensions which allows you to insert request parameters directly into function signature and consequently removes the requirement for having method level parameter annotations

With this you'll be able to have an up-to-date definition with your Functions at all times with minimal hassle. The main motivator for this library was to enable using HttpTriggered Functions more in the manner of a traditional API, and in that mindset having a generated Swagger definition is a must.

It's worth noting that since Functions do not really behave like ASP.NET Core despite them having some similarities, which forces us to do our customized method discovery and fill some gaps with additional annotations.