Welcome to the JuliaMaker's Project repository! This is a place where curated projects, using JuliaMaker packages or just Julia in general, can be posted.
- Uh-oh so far this is brand new! Nothing to show off yet!
To submit a project, make a Pull Request, with the project in it's own directory.
Never fear, the process goes something like the following:
- Fork this repository to your own github account.
- Create a new branch with ideally a descriptive name
- Create changes on that branch and commit them with a descriptive message
- Push the new branch to your forked JuliaMakerProjects repository
- Create a pull request using github.com interface. Feel free to ask for help in the Julia Slack channel(#my-first-pr)
- It should be inside of a directory with a name detailing the nature of the project
- That main directory should have descriptive subdirectories for disperate items. IE: Media, CAD, Julia, Arduino, etc.
- The main directory should contain a README.md file which describes the effort, your name(if you want), and how the project is organized. It can have other things too! Like links to a youtube video, or anything reasonable.
- Follow the code of conduct of the repository.
- Your project must be open source, MIT License.
- You don't have the right to edit anyone elses project unless they have given their express permission.
- Projects can be deleted at your request, but Git stores everything...
- You can omit details of a project to focus on the Julia specific parts, that is fine. Completely documenting hobby projects is laborious - we get it. But please do your best.
- Did it contain somesort of weapon? If so, it's gonna get denied.
- Does its intended use violate human rights or something awful like that? Yep, not going to be hosted here.
- Otherwise, there should be a reason given in the PR.
We will do our best to work with people to create a high enough standard for submission without too much effort, but please understand, this is a brand new avenue for open source on github (I think?) and we're not 100% sure how it should happen! If you have idea's please file an issue or get into contact!