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The project meson_deca is an extension module to CmdStan. Its purpose is to simplify modelling partial wave analysis of heavy meson physics. We implement such functions as Breit-Wigner/Flatte dynamical form factors, Blatt-Weisskopf functions and Zemach tensors and bundle them together to model-dependent PWA amplitudes that describe 3- and 4-body meson decays.

We introduce only a handful of functions to Stan language; the core of the module is build from C++ functions that are not directly callable from Stan (however, they are templated and can be exposed to Stan parser, should the need present itself).

The module also contains some small python scripts and modules that are aimed at debugging the C++ code and plotting/analyzing the results of the Stan fitting.

This code may be interesting to you if you want to:

  • See an example how to expose your functions to Stan (look at makefile and lib/c_lib/stan_callable);
  • Fit a function that looks like "f(y,theta) = |A(y) * theta|^2", where "A(y)" and "theta" are complex vectors (look at lib/c_lib/model.hpp);
  • Use complex numbers in Stan (look at lib/c_lib/complex or lib/c_lib/stan_callable);
  • Use some model-dependent PWA functions (templated C++: lib/c_lib/fct, Python: lib/py_lib/ and lib/py_lib/


Although the main part of the code is, essentially, a Stan-friendly-templated C++ library, it is not build as a (usual) C++ library. All the C++ code is stored in lib/c_lib; we do not use forward declarations. We also use the following naming convention: if a class is defined in "struct_somename.hpp", it is instantiated in "somename.hpp".


Reminder: the core Stan C++ code and CmdStan are licensed under the new BSD.


  • libboost-python-dev (sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev or similar should do the trick);
  • PyROOT (you should be able to call import ROOT from python shell).

The libboost-python library is used to wrap some C++ functions to a python module (intensely staring at some python plots can be very useful to find various pesky bugs). The PyROOT package is used by some utility scripts that convert Stan output to ROOT trees and vice versa.


  1. Install the latest CmdStan release (currently supported version: 2.6.2).

  2. Download CmdStan from

  3. Unpack the tarball.

  4. (Optional) From the CmdStan folder, run 'make' on brief tutorial.

  5. Install meson_deca.

  6. From the CmdStan folder, git clone the meson_deca (type something like git clone

  7. Run make -s install from the meson_deca folder.

  8. Add meson_deca/lib/py_lib to your PYTHONPATH. For example, add the following line to your .bashrc:
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<your path to meson_deca>/meson_deca/lib/py_lib


Main idea. This module is designed to generate and fit the data according to some distribution f_model(y, theta).

  1. First, you need a .stan model that says: "Please generate/fit me some data according to f_model". A template of such a file you can find in lib/stan_lib. Go ahead and take a look at lib/stan_lib/STAN_data_generator.stan! (For some other examples, browse models folder for .stan files.)

  2. Each time you will build the .stan model, it will look for the function f_model in the file lib/c_lib/model.hpp. Make sure that this function is suited to your needs. For details, see the example below, user guide, or browse the models/*/backup/model.hpp.

  3. If you think about it, the step 2) above is much more complicated and important than the step 1). Therefore, when you write your own model, I suggest you proceed as follows.

  4. Adjust the function f_model in the file lib/c_lib/model.hpp.

  5. Call ./initialize_model FOLDER_NAME from the meson_deca folder. This script will copy the templates of the *.stan files to models/FOLDER_NAME and place a backup copy of model.hpp in models/FOLDER_NAME/backup. After that, adjust the *.stan files and build them into executables (the script may save you some time).

  6. You can use the executables to sample/fit to your hearts desire. There are some python scripts in utils/ you may use to convert STAN output to .root files and vice versa.


(You may want to read docs/user_guide.pdf first to get acquainted with the notation.)


This example shows how to use meson_deca to model a decay D->pi+pi-pi+ via two toy resonances f_0(1000) and f_0(1200). Consider the following model function:
f_model(y,theta) = |theta_1 * A_1(y) + theta_2 * A_2(y) + theta_3 * A_3(y)|
= |theta_1 * f_0(1000)(y) + theta_2 * f_0(1200)(y) + theta_3 * 1|^2.

This model is implemented in the file models/d_to_3pi_model_dep/backup/model.hpp. To use the model, copy this file to lib/c_lib/model.hpp:
../meson_deca $ cp models/d_to_3pi_model_dep/backup/model.hpp lib/c_lib
The file lib/c_lib/model.hpp is the main file you have to adjust when you want to make your own model. There are several key points:

  1. Since we are considering a 3-body-decay, the variable y is two-dimensional: y = (m2_ab, m2_bc). In model.hpp, this is fixed via the line NUM_VAR=2.

  2. There are 3 resonances: A_1, A_2, and A_3. In model.hpp, the number of resonances is fixed via the line NUM_RES=3.

(The 3rd resonance is just a dummy: in the end, we shall set theta_3 = 0. We keep this resonance in the example code just so NUM_RES and NUM_VAR are not equal (because they are, in general, completely independent from each other)).

  1. In model.hpp, the resonances are fixed in the function A_c; each resonance returns a complex number.

  2. In model.hpp, the resonances are bundled together in the function A_cv, which returns the complex vector (A_1, A_2, ..., A_NUM_RES).


First, we want to fix theta = (theta_1_init, theta_2_init, 0) and generate 10000 events {y_i} according to our model. Then, we want to use the generated data to sample the complex parameter theta_2 (the parameter theta_1 = theta_1_init remains fixed as reference parameter). The result of this sampling should be sharpely peaked around the value theta_2_init.


Copy pre-build STAN files into a new folder bw2_example and wrap model to a python module. (Some warnings may be casted, but no errors should occur. NOTE: the code is wrapped to a python module using clang++. If you would like to use g++, adjust the file meson_deca/lib/c_lib/py_wrapper/

../meson_deca $ ./ bw2_example
../meson_deca $ cd models/bw2_example

Build the STAN files into executables.
../bw2_example $ ./../../

Pre-calculate the normalization integral I (cf. docs/user_guide.pdf); basically, calculate \int A_i(y) A_j(y) dy. The variable y is a 2-dim. vector, so we need to pass integration boundaries for y.1 and y.2.
../bw2_example $ ./../../utils/ 0 3 0 3

Generate 10000 events (STAN puts them into a generated_data.csv file); plot the results; convert .csv file to a .root file with trees y.1, y.2; convert .root tree to the file, which contains (A_1(y), ... A_3(y)) for 10000 events y.
../bw2_example $ ./../../ 10000

You can look at the plotted data:
../bw2_example $ evince generated_data.pdf

Use the data file to sample 3 chains, each with 1000 values of theta_2:
../bw2_example $ ./../../ 1000

After the simulation is finished, plot the sampled theta values:
../bw2_example $ ./../../
../bw2_example $ evince output.pdf


CmdStan module for meson decay PWA






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