DISCONTINUED! USE OSMPY https://github.com/JoaoCarabetta/osmpy
A tool to get the highway length from Open Street Maps of a region using Python using Overpass Turbo API.
It supports any region size and shape. From cities to continents.
pip install osm-road-length
import osm_road_length
from shapely import wkt
geometry = wkt.loads('POLYGON((-43.2958811591311 -22.853167273541693,-43.30961406928735 -23.035275736044728,-43.115980036084224 -23.02010939749927,-43.157178766552974 -22.832917893834313,-43.2958811591311 -22.853167273541693))')
length = osm_road_length.get(geometry)
OSMnx is a great package if you want to analyse the road infrastructure in depth. But, sometimes we just want simple numbers to do comparissons. This package does not load all road data to memory (imagine loading a whole country to your RAM). The package fetches the Overpass API directly. If the region is too large, it splits the region in a smart way to handle the Overpass API constrains.
- Free software: MIT license
Function katana from snorfalorpagus.
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.