- Backend Developer
- Most experienced in Python but always willing to learn and use other tech
- I used Kotlin/Spring at DNK
- I also sometimes do workshops at CodeSeoul, a non-profit organization. Here are some of my talks:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxfNSbJBa3E
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvaDGH_cBs0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSMlATky6yE
- Started working on the the MSCS program from CU Boulder
- Bits and pieces of reading here and there
- Sometimes a bit of CS theory, sometimes a bit of Software Engineering theory
- https://github.com/JYC11/fastapi-template
- iterating on the project below but really reducing the scope so I can flesh out some parts of the project I wasn't satisfied about
- things I'm improving: dynamic repository depdency injection in unit of work, hopefully simpler depdency injection in message bus, better error handling/logging, adding a job store ...
- It's almost done I think!
- https://github.com/JYC11/fastapi-bug-tracker
- Architecture Patterns With Python inspired project
- It implements a bug tracking feature(like Jira) with user auth
- Tech used: Python 3.10, Fastapi, Sqlalchemy, Asyncpg
- Trying to get it as close to production/professional quality as possible
- I abandoned it after getting a new job while doing this project and got very busy getting used to the new work place