This repository contains a SLM-based library supporting mechanical features in a PCB. This includes:
- Mounting Holes
- Fiducials
- Layer Legends
Run the following command in your JITX project:
$> $SLM add -git JITx-Inc/mechanical
This will add a line like this to your slm.toml
mechanical = { git = "JITx-Inc/mechanical", version = "0.3.0" }
Add Mounting Hole components to your design, either explicitly or with automated tools for placement on a grid.
- Plated or Non-Plated
- Customizable Silkscreen
- Optional via-in-pad grounding cages
See examples/MountingHoles.stanza
for more detailed examples.
Add Layer Legend Generators to your design:
val num-layers = 4
inst ll-left : layer-legend(
LayerLegendPackage(layer-data = num-layers, text-orient = Left)
See examples/LayerLegend.stanza
for more detailed examples
Add global and local fiducials to your design and customize their appearance. This library provides some reasonable default fiducial landpatterns and symbols as well as the ability to customize fiducial shapes to meet your needs.
In addition, this library provides tools for generating local fiducials around a component and constraining them to that component:
inst U1 : dummy-QFN
See examples/LocalFiducials.stanza
for more detailed examples.